Wednesday, August 24, 2011


We coexisted peacefully
Side by side for many years.
A sturdy fence our friendship kept. 
Why this summer did you decide
To break the pact we had,
Digging under to forbidden land.
Now we must choose:
Your charming antics or our fruit.
You cannot resist the melon
And so the trap is set.

 You'll be removed to wilderness.
We hope the land is fair.

Farewell, with fond regrets,
Your friends, Jane Clark and Bill

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Squirrel scampers away
Apple in mouth to enjoy
Our bountiful fruit.

I believe in sharing some of our fruit with the squirrels, groundhogs, deer and crow. They provide entertainment for us. However, this year they took it ALL. I'll have to figure out a way to get some for us this year. That usually means picking before it is ripe and letting it ripen inside. I mis-timed it this year. I hope they enjoyed.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Chain of Life

Micro to macro,
Decay, regeneration,
I am a small link.

I followed this green heron and its mate while paddling this morning.  It stands at about 20 inches. The lake was alive this morning - insects, minnows, small fish and large, and of course the birds.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Melton Hill Morning 8/11

Still water sparkles
Light breeze riffles the surface
Easing my passage.

A lone of its kind
Umbrella Magnolia
Gracefully drapes.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Class Reunion

Traveled back in time
Our youthful selves remembered
Transcending the years.