Thursday, July 19, 2018

Melton Hill Lake

A few images from this week at Melton Hill Lake:

We spotted this eagle in a tree beside the road.  He sat for a long time so we could take a picture.  However, I only had my cell phone, so I wasn't able to get a good zoom.

A beautiful morning walk:

 Same campsites seen from across the lake:

3 pounds of bluegills; 3 tons of fun

Butterfly pea vine

Rose Pinks

Wild Potato Vine

Wild  Potato Vine

Picnic with good friends

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Being Known

On July 15 I had the privilege to lead worship at Trinity UMC, Lenoir City.  My sermon (though I hesitate to call it that!) is posted on the right - "Being Known." The theme is that change occurs in generational time and what we must do to extend the life of the church into the future. May we not lean BACK on the greatness of our past, but lean FORWARD to the greatness of our future.

Audio File on the Trinity website:

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Country Quiet

Wind rustling the air,
Bees humming, birds singing, insects buzzing.
Even quiet isn't.

I have never mastered the art of meditation and my prayer life is inconsistent at best. I have always found it hard to slow down the business of ordinary life and allow a space for the quiet. Gardening helps me do that. Even though working in the vegetable garden or flower beds is physically demanding at times, it helps me find the quiet space.