Sunday, February 21, 2021

Pandemic Times, February 14 - 20

Sunday, February 14 Cold Valentine's Day.

Laura and Amanda came over for a late waffle breakfast.  Mike is working at a gymnastics meet in Pigeon Forge.  I started the sourdough sponge last night.  It makes the best waffles ever!

Later in the afternoon, Kathy came by with a valentine for me and for a short visit.

Ruby fixed supper for us - steak for me and fried chicken for Bill.

Monday, February 15 - MLK Holiday for some

We have been spared the ice and snow that hit hard in Mississippi, Missouri, West and Middle Tennessee.  Texas is snowed in and many there are without power.

I few days ago I ordered some metal strips for Cavid masks.  Today I made two masks for Laura and used the strips.  I also added a strip to my favorite mask. It seems to work well.

I didn't do too well with exercise today, only 15 minutes on the treadmill.

BiBimBap for supper.  I did a little better with getting a crisp crust on the rice.

Tuesday, February 16

The weather was just barely bad enough to close schools today, but we have not evidence of icing.  Amanda let us know that she would not need a ride to Softball today.   With nowhere to go, baking seemed in order.  I made 2 loaves of banana bread bread and 2 loaves of French bread.  To go with the French bread we had spaghetti & meatballs and pear salad. The spaghetti sauce was made with tomatoes that I grew and canned and herbs that I grew and dried.  Home-canned pears were from our tree.  I love home-grown meals.

Home-made French Bread

Spaghetti with pear salad

Kinglet showing its Ruby-Crown

Song Sparrow

Downy Woodpecker

Wednesday, February 17

Morning sun welcomed us today.  What a relief it is to see the sun! I did my grocery shopping going to Trinity for a "drive-through" Imposition of Ashes with Pastor Kristie.

After lunch, I drove Kathy for her 2nd Cataract surgery.  I waited in the car and did some reading. I read a bit in Deeprok Chopra's "The Third Jesus" and Neil DeGrasse Tyson's "Astrophysis for People in a Hurry." I'm not in a hurry, but I didn't think I needed a more in-depth look into Astrophysics.  I copied two quotes:

Chopra: "When you contemplate any spiritual teaching deeply enough, you are brought face-to-face with yourself and how you view the world."

Tyson: "Science is not just about seeing, it's about measuring, preferably with something that's not your own eyes, which are inextricably conjoined with the baggage of your brain.  That baggage is more often than not a satchel of preconceived ideas, post-conceived notions and outright bias."

It strikes me that both statements are about "seeing" deeply and truthfully.

On the way home, we got Thai from our favorite spot - Little Bankok in Farragut.  Matsumum Curry for me and Orange Chicken for Bill.

Bird of the day:

Rufous-sided Towhee.  Not only beautiful, but a pretty song

Thursday, February 20

A rainy day, good for sleeping in.  I offered to take Kathy for her follow-up appointment in South Knoxville so I picked her up about 11. The rain had tapered to just a light mist and had ended by the time we headed home.  It was an easy trip and her appointment went quickly.  We were home in time for late lunch.

After lunch, I was enjoying watching the little birds at the feeder when I spotted a new visitor.  Picture me, sitting on the floor behind my chair with my camera lens poked between the slats of the blinds.  I was able to get a few clear shot and identified the visitor as a pine warbler.

House Finch

House Finch

Pine Warbler

Pine Warbler

White-throat Sparrow

Pine Warbler

Friday, February 19

I spent most of the morning on a new sewing project. I began with sorting and organizing my remnants and discarding those that were "scraps." Most of the time was spent planning and figuring out what I have and what I need.  I ordered some small hardware and will get some interfacing when I'm in town.

Greedy sparrows

I dropped Amanda off for softball just before 4 and headed to Turkey Creek.  I found the interfacing I need at Walmart.  I had a 5 pm haircut appointment at the new salon location new Pelissippi and Kingston.  I am so happy to finally have it cut. I didn't get home until after 6.  Bill had baked potatoes ready and we had them topped with pulled pork BBQ and Red Cabbage Slaw with carrots, dried cranberries and pistachios.

Saturday, February 20

We hoped this afternoon would be warm enough for a walk.  The morning sun seemed to illuminate every cobweb and dust bunny in our bedroom.  I spent all morning deep cleaning the room, a chore I have put off for far too long.  For a few days, at least, there will be no cobwebs and dust bunnies.  Not having company for months has meant the motivation for cleaning has not been there.  It certainly has not been an issue of time, but of motivation.

After watching the TN Men lose a BBall game, we went for our walk.  We ran into a couple I know who were also there for a walk & eagle watch.  In addition to the eagles, I saw a little bird along the road that might have been a Myrtle (Yellow-rump) Warbler.  I couldn't get a picture, though.  Maybe tomorrow.  It was a lovely afternoon for a walk after so many days of dreary weather.

Busy grooming

After our walk I too Kathy across the way to see the eagle.  I hope she enjoyed. When we got home, the sun was still providing enough warmth to sit outside for a drink. 

Beautiful Clear-day Moon

We used the last of the pork to top a pizza. It turned out very good.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Pandemic Times, February 7-13

Sunday, February 7 

Super Bowl Sunday usually called for special "game day" food and getting together with friends/family to watch all or part of the game. As with all such rituals this year, the 'get-together' was cancelled.  We had ribs from Ruby and treated ourselves to chip and dip. 

The morning began with a light snow accumulation, but even without much sun it soon melted.  I also woke up to the sight of our clever squirrel hanging from a feeder.  I didn't see exactly how he managed, but he must have jumped over the cone.  He/she is also going after the suet feeder.  It is probably evident reading between the lines that I spend a lot of time looking out the window!

Red-bellied Woodpecker

I made a focaccia to share with Kathy & Laura. The 'activated' starter sponge that I held overnight worked just fine.  Mid-afternoon, we went to Laura's for a short visit and to get the kayak trailer and delivered the focaccias. I forgot to take a picture before cutting it.

Monday, February 8

After yesterday's snowy damp, today is bright and mid-50s.  In the morning I planted lettuce and spinach in some plastic shells I'd saved for this purpose. Hope is all we have when we plant.  The containers will live in the utility room until they plants have spouted and then on my workbench outside when days are nice enough. Hope.

After an early lunch we went to River Sports to pick up the new kayak.  Because we were pulling the trailer, we went the back way going and coming - by Northshore on the way into the city and by Middlebrook/Yarnell/Buttermilk on the way home.  It took us longer, but we enjoyed the sights along the way.

After we got the kayak delivered to the Matzek house, we went for a walk.  We certainly don't want to waste a single nice day! One eagle was present and all three flood gates were open on the dam.

I made a fish for supper - cod fillet, skillet seared and smothered with fajita-style peppers and onions. Served with black beans and corn.

Tuesday, February 9

I cut Bill's hair this morning.  I wish someone would cut mine. Patience, I tell myself.  Leftover black beans and peppers made a great quesadilla for lunch.  After getting back from taking Amanda to softball, Bill and I went for a walk.  We found both eagles in the tree near the road. As we were on the return look of our walk, one of the eagles had flown to a tree alongside the road.  Based on its larger size, we think it was the female.  Before we left, both eagles flew to their high perch.

Larger female on the right

Female near the road

We were blessed with a spectacular sunset:

Sunset sky on fire
I never get tired of this
God's glory illumed.

Sunset 6:00 pm iPhone

Sunset 6:02 pm Panasonic - It changes quickly!

Boneless chicken thighs, stuffed with ham, rolled in bread crumbs and baked, with Marguarite Stuart's squash casserole and green beans.

Wednesday, February 9

Bill got his first vaccine shot this morning at Tennova.  He reported not wait, no problems, and a very smooth process overall.

Amanda was my chauffeur to town for a few errands and groceries. We ended at Chik-fil-A to pick up her a lunch to take home.  She is a good driver and managed all the drive-through traffic with no problem.  I think she enjoyed the chance to practice.

We watched the Senate impeachment trial which began yesterday.  The presentations are very powerful.  It is hard to conceive of how the Senators are going to justify acquitting him. I took a short break to go up to the Brocks to cut Wayne's hair. Mid-afternoon we took a break for a walk on this warm day.  It was a great day for walking, even though the eagles were somewhere else.  I wonder where?

We repeated the chicken and squash with fresh asparagus.

Thursday, February 10

Our faux spring days have ended.  We're back to dreary cold rain.  With no purposeful work to be accomplished today, I while away my time with reading, small chores and the TV drama of a Senate trial.  Bill helped me to raise the cones on the bird feeders to in our on-going battle to keep the squirrels from robbing the bird seed.  The afternoon was broken up with a quick trip to take Amanda to softball practice.  

Comfort food for supper - hamburger streak, mashed potatoes with gravy and green peas.

Friday, February 12

Happy Birthday Wayne!

Dreary weather maintains its grip.  No beautiful sunrise or sunset, just constant low-hanging clouds.  We did our taxes this morning.  This was the first day that tax returns could be filed electronically.  I enjoyed reading and did a mile on the treadmill. Unfortunately, I haven't made it a regular habit like Bill has done.

We spent many hours Thursday and Friday watching the Senate impeachment trial. The Democratic managers made a powerful case for conviction and have produced an amazing record for history of the travesty we have experienced in recent months.

I marinated a pork tenderloin to roast and served it with sweet potato fried and spinach.

Saturday, Friday 13

Gray winter weather continues. We have missed the worst of the winter storms that are ravaging much of the country. We are snug and warm and have not reason to be out and about.  I participated in a 2-hour Zoom seminar entitled "What's Love Got to Do With It - White Supremacy and the Church." I used it as a jumping off point for my SS message this week, New Testament scripture about Love.

Bill watched the Impeachment trails closing arguments and later we watched together. Despite obviously having Trump's guild proven, not enough Republicans had the courage to convict.  The vote was 57 guilty and 43 not guilty, short of the 2/3 needed to convict.  The Republican excuse was that they couldn't convict because Trump was already out of office, a weak argument at best.  

Fried rice for supper.


TN: 756.071 cases; 8769 deaths (recalibrated this week)
cases this week: 0-10 40,239; 11-20 95,465

Loudon County: 5443 cases; 213 active; 61 deaths (recalibrated)
case rate 20.1; avg 62 tests/day - too few for valid stats
15.4% pos rate; 4% of population fully vaccinated
87 new cases last month among school age children (4-18)

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Pandemic Times, January 31-Feb 6

 Sunday, January 31

This is the last day of a very long month.  The enforced rhythm of slow Sundays continues and the January weather continues to discourage outdoor activity beyond getting the mail and feeding the birds.  I give thanks that I have those beautiful little creatures to entertain me. I give thanks for the squirrels as well, even though I fuss about the bird seed they steal.  I've ordered two more cones for the feeder poles in hopes that I can confine the squirrels to eating the abundant seeds that fall to the ground.

Lady Vols also entertained us in the afternoon and Laura paid a visit to review our newly revised wills.  Now we need to find witness signatures.  She brought us some exceptionally delicious lemon cookies made by Amanda.

Gloomy January day

Monday, February 1

This time last year we were in Titusville, Florida, parking our RV in Kevin's driveway and enjoying the birds off Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.   (Link to last year.) We had spent a few days in Cedar Key, FL before getting to Titusville.  We decided that we would not make our winter trip this year.  Even though we travel in the RV, we would be exposing ourselves needlessly.  Next Year!  Instead, we woke up to a light snowfall, about 1/2 inch accumulation.  We decided it was a good morning to stay in bed, so we didn't finish breakfast/brunch until 11:30. I made some real grits for myself and Bill had his preferred boxed instant stuff to go with our eggs, sausage and toast.

Light snow didn't last very long

I started again on mask-making and after a long conversation with Anna, I added masks for her and Jake.  We had no need to go anywhere today, but I managed a mile on the treadmill.  

For supper we (almost) finished the lamb, served with rice and gravy.  We got three generous meals out of that roast and I have a tiny bit left to add to some soup for lunch.

Tuesday, February 2

Goundhog Day!  Our resident groundhogs had a bit of early snow flurries.  His cousin Phil says six more weeks of winter and he's probably right.  There is a huge snowstorm making its way across the norther tier of states.  Today (and everyday!) I'm glad to be a southerner with only a scattering of snow.  I finished the masks before it was time to take Amanda to softball, so I took them to the PO along with a package of calendars and valentines for the Missouri kids. The snow on the mountains was beautiful in the afternoon sunlight, but I could not get a clear photo with my phone.

The dishwasher wouldn't wash this morning.  After much trouble-shooting, Bill called Patterson's Appliance where we bought it.  While I was in town, a service person came out and got it fixed, no parts required - a good example of the benefit of doing business locally.

The best news of the day is that the vaccines have been opened for those age 70+ and Bill is now on the county waiting list.

I baked the ham for supper and served it with fried grits.  I'll have lots of ham for the refrigerator and freezer.

Wednesday, February 3

The main event of the day was taking Amanda to Aveda's in Turkey Creek for a haircut. First we came back here for a light lunch.  After her appointment, we picked up Thai take-out for supper.  On the way home, we stopped to get a few packs of early spring seeds.  My ambition is to plant them in containers to get a jump on fresh lettuce, spinach, kale and chard.

Clever squirrel keeps us entertained

Thursday, February 4

Juncos visiting today joined the usual assortment of birds at the feeders - chickadee, titmouse, cardinal, goldfinch, house finch, white-throated sparrow and mourning dove are daily regulars.  We often see nuthatch and occasionally have a downy or red-bellied woodpecker.  Blue-jays, robins and crows are around every day, too, but not usually at the feeders.

Downy Woodpecker

White-breasted Nuthatch

White-throated Sparrow

I have picked back up on ready Dr. Eddie Glaude's biography of James Baldwin. "Begin Again: James Baldwin's America." It is as much commentary on our political times as excellent story and analysis of James Baldwin.  I have ordered "Caste" by Isabel Wilkerson and "White Fragility" by Robin DiAngelo. I also ordered Neil deGrasse Tysonn's "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, and sent the young people's version to Owen. I should be set for February reading, even if we get snowed in!

I made my favorite, Charleston Shrimp and Grits, with the addition of ham.  Spinach Salad with marinated artichokes, pickled beets and green olives. Garnished with sourdough croutons and shredded Parmesan.


Loudon County: 61 deaths; 5348 total cases; pos rate 17.6% (yesterday it was 44%) on low test counts

TN: 736,370 total cases; 10,202 deaths

US: 26,660,900+ total cases

Friday, February 4

No video recording this week because in-house worship service is planned for Sunday.  I will not be attending yet because the positivity rates (almost 30% this week) are still too high.  Bill now has a vaccine appointment at Tennova Hospital in Turkey Creek on Wednesday (2/10). We are excited about that!  It may be a month before my age group opens.  I hope that by then vaccine will be more widely available.

In the afternoon, we went across the river and found one of the eagles in residence.  It is our first sighting in over a week.  We enjoyed a cruise around the neighborhood before going home.  This is what passes for an outing these days!

6:20 pm
6:24 pm: the sky changes quickly

I finished reading "Begin Again" and I highly recommend this excellent bio/analysis/current event perspective.  I started on "Caste" which is a very short read summarizing a brief history of our "isms." Next in line is "White Fragility." I miss good conversation about books and shared ideas.

Saturday, February 6

Our contest with the squirrels continues.  Yesterday we added cones to two of the feeders.  Today, the crafty squirrel figured out how to jump on the flamingo and over the cone to get to a feeder.  Flamingo removed.  Now he/she's figured out that it is easy to jump onto the birdbath and over to the feeder.  What will our next move be? To move the birdbath, of course.  We will see what happens next.

I am posting my thoughts prepared for my Sunday School on a separate page: