Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge

The beautiful weather on the day after Christmas beckoned Bill and me to Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge to see what we could see.  Sandhill cranes were there, but not as "up close" or abundant as some years.  The cove in front of the viewing platform hosted only a few ducks and those were too far away to id. Of course reports were heard of Whooping Cranes having been seen in the last two weeks but they didn't show up for us. Nevertheless, we had a wonderful afternoon of bird-watching. Sandhill cranes, blue herons, bald eagle and white pelicans.

Sandhill Cranes and Herons

Two Cranes strolling by

A very large flock of white pelicans seen from the viewing platform at the Cherokee Removal Historic Site, Tenn River near the confluence of the Hiwassee. A bald eagle can be seen in a mid-range treetop.

We usually leave by way of Blythe Ferry Rd back to Hwy 58. Where the road crosses a cove, we often see flocks of sandhills. These are just a few of the large flock there today.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Peas for supper

August 27
Peas and fried okra
Sliced tomatoes garden fresh
Good supper tonight.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

By the French Broad

We are camping beside the French Broad River in Hot Springs, North Carolina,
Serenaded by cicadas and the full throttle of the river after days of rain.
A campfire is crackling, we are sated with food and drink.

What a paradise this was for the indigenous who made it their home for generations.
What a paradise this must have seemed to the English and Scots who settled here.
What a paradise it is now for a world weary traveler who makes it home for tonight.

All cares are tossed in the river or carried away on woodsmoke.
Worries are lifted to heaven on the song of the cicadas.
For a while the world is in harmony with spirit, paradisal possibility is realized.

By the French Broad

Campfire Wednesday night

Campfire Thursday morning

Splitting Wood

French Broad flowing full

Hot Springs downtown

After a leisurely start to our day, we headed out to hike along the Laurel River trail.  Our goal, the end of the trail on the banks of the French Broad. We experienced 4 beautiful miles each way. 

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Melton Hill Lake

A few images from this week at Melton Hill Lake:

We spotted this eagle in a tree beside the road.  He sat for a long time so we could take a picture.  However, I only had my cell phone, so I wasn't able to get a good zoom.

A beautiful morning walk:

 Same campsites seen from across the lake:

3 pounds of bluegills; 3 tons of fun

Butterfly pea vine

Rose Pinks

Wild Potato Vine

Wild  Potato Vine

Picnic with good friends