Monday, April 27, 2020

Quarantine Log - April 19 - April 25

Sunday, April 19

Sunday began quietly but picked up speed when I decided to make waffles for breakfast - always a production.  Blueberry waffles are great.  A big, late breakfast means no lunch.

After we watched the morning news show and Trinity service on YouTube it was somehow 1 pm.

Today seemed like a good day to work on some more masks.  Decided that these would be for Simon Collins and family and Chris & Erin Collins.  Now to get their mailing addresses!

Roasted chicken for a traditional Sunday dinner.

Numbers: (8 am)
US: 728,074 cases; 34,726 deaths
TN: 6637 cases; 152 deaths
LoCo: 21 cases

News reports that there are now more than 22,000,000 unemployment claims - highest since Great Depression.

  1. Connecting - Just Bill and me today
  2. Letting go - of connections
  3. Getting outside - late afternoon walk
  4. Moving - late afternoon walk
  5. Creativity - sewing and cooking
  6. Self-care
  7. Grateful for a project

Monday, April 20

Slow day but I did manage to get masks in the mail for Chris and Erin.   Haven't had a response from Simon regarding a mailing address.  We also mailed a birthday card for Evangeline and ordered a gift of doll cloths from Amazon to be delivered to her.

Today I planted a row of pole beans - blue lake variety.  I'm ready to plant more when the ground dries a bit.  I don't have bedding plants yet but I've ordered some landscape fabric from Tractor Supply.

US: 753,317 cases; 36,109 deaths
TN: 6845 cases; 156 deaths
LoCo: 22 cases; 17 recovered; 318 negative tests; 340 tests total
TN Dept of Health reports 7070 cases; 148 deaths; 97,098 tested
I wonder when the results from weekend testing will be included.

  1. Connected - with Melanie & David by phone
  2. Letting go - of being productive all the time
  3. Getting outside - work in the garden
  4. Moving - planted and mowed the garden
  5. Self-care - morning reading
  6. Creativity - ??
  7. Grateful for companionship

Tuesday, April 21

Happy Birthday, Laura!
After breakfast I made 2 loaves of banana bread.  The day seemed busy enough but to great accomplishments.  Spent a good bit of time at my computer.

Late in the afternoon we went to the Matzek's for a brief birthday visit.

Numbers: (9;30 AM)
US: 780,536 cases; 37,818 deaths
TN: 7015 cases; 162 deaths
LoCo: 23 cases
From TN Health Dept: 7238 cases; 152 deaths; 100,689 tested

I don't know if TN #s include the weekend testing. I doubt it.  Late today, Gov Lee announced the lifting of some restrictions. State parks will reopen but most park facilities will not be open.

  1. Connecting - Laura and family
  2. Letting go - family birthday celebration
  3. Outside - briefly walked around the yard & garden, too windy to be out for long
  4. Moving - not enough
  5. Creativity - ??
  6. Self-care - ??
  7. Grateful for calm amid the storm

Wednesday, April 22

As planned, I met Kathy at Meadowview Greenhouse to get garden plants and visit a bit outside.  I bought 4 varieties of tomatoes - Better Boy, Celebrity, Jubilee and Roma; Cal Wonder green bell pepper and "Snackable Red" peppers (don't know about these); parsley, basil and French thyme; and a tray of marigolds.

After lunch Bill tilled one of the long beds for me and I planted bush pole beans - blue lake, purple hull peas, okra and yellow straight-neck squash. I also set out some of the marigolds.  I filled the empty marigold cups with dirt and planted 3 zucchini and 6 cucumbers to set out later.  I will wait until next week to set the tomatoes, peppers and herbs.

I am reminded of my post from this time last year, Garden of Hope:
Attended a ZOOM LoCo Dem meeting at 7 pm after chicken enchilada supper.

Earth Day images from around the world showed remarkably less air pollution and clearer waters.  How quickly the earth begins to heal itself with human interference is reduced.

I am reminded
Numbers: (4:30 am)
US: 805,772 cases; 40316 deaths + 4800 NYC deaths presumed but not tested
TN: 7341 cases; 167 deaths -- from TN HD: 7394 cases; 157 deaths; 108,182 tested; 6.8% positive
LoCo: 23 cases; 17 recovered; 349 negative
In TN about 2% of the population has been tested.

  1. Connecting: Kathy & LoCo Dems
  2. Letting go - run to Home Depot
  3. Outside - gardening in the afternoon
  4. Moving - gardening
  5. Creativity - ??
  6. Self-care - gardening
  7. Grateful to live in the country.

Thursday, April 23

Rain overnight as expected.  Today was overcast and windy all day but not much rain.  I managed to psych myself up for a yoga routine.  Bill and I journeyed to Lowe's in Midtown in the afternoon for plumbing and gardening supplies.  Found Thai basil that I wanted.  All in all, not much of a day.

US: 834,340 cases; 42501 deaths + 5000 NYC presumed
TN: 7842 cases; 166 deaths; 114, 980 tests
LoCo: 23 cases; 18 recovered; 361 tests

Friday, April 24

Happy Birthday Evangeline! and Chris Collins

Video day at church.  I didn't get home until nearly 2:30.  The upload is taking a very long time.  I went to the grocery and picked up a prescription before going to the church.  I was glad I had done it earlier.  Also went to the PO to mail a package - returning a pair of sandals that were too small.  

Bill and I shared a very pleasant early evening on the deck before supper.  Hummingbirds are at the feeder, but I can never catch them.

Numbers: (4:30 pm)
US: 885,249 cases; 45,409 deaths +NYC
TN: 8726 cases; 168 deaths
LoCo: 25 cases - up by 2!
Both Memphis/Shelby and Nashville/Davidson have more than 2000 cases.
The national news reports more than 50,000 deaths. This may include the additional 5100 from NYC
NYTimes lists TN as 8290 cases, 180 deaths

  1. Connecting - video team at church, call to Whitakers fro Evangeline's Birthday
  2. Letting go - lunch with friends
  3. Outside - walk with Bill and mint julep on the deck
  4. Moving - made my 7500 step goal
  5. Creativity - ??
  6. Self-care - all above
  7. Grateful for our beautiful hillside

Saturday, April 25

Today has been a long, dreary day with no physical activity.  I uploaded the church video to web and created FB posts for Sunday am.  In the afternoon I finally worked up my courage to begin making contact calls for the LoCo Dems.  Cold calling people is hard for me.

The highlight of the day was a beautiful Rose-Breasted Grosbeak at our feeder.  He is not my first, but it has been a long time since I've seen one.  They are uncommon visitors. He gave us a couple of hours of much needed enjoyment. In this picture he is joined by a wren and house finch.  Other regular visitors are goldfinches, doves, cardinals, chickadees and titmouses, as well as squirrels and chipmunks on the ground

Numbers: (2 pm)
US: 926,465 cases; 47,590 deaths + 5100 NYC presumed
TN 8753 cases; 180 deaths
LoCo: 25 cases

  1. Connecting - I did make those calls and had good conversations with Marilyn, Matt and Carolyn.
  2. Letting go - being productive
  3. Outside - too wet and cold
  4. Moving - very little
  5. Creativity - Edited church web page
  6. Self-care - a downer day, I need to do better tomorrow
  7. Grateful for a safe place to live.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Quarantine Log - April 12 - April 18

Sunday, April 12
Easter Sunday.  I was up early, but I slept well.  No church. No family dinner. No egg hunts with grandkids.  Rain all day.

For fun I posted a selfie in my Easter housecoat!  Otherwise a very quiet day without much movement or activity.   I made Easter Dinner for just the two of us: Lamb roasted with potatoes and carrots.  It was delicious!

I did not record my list of activities.

US: 527,000+ cases; 20,600 deaths
TN: 5114 cases; 101 deaths
Knox: 169 cases; 4 deaths
LoCo: 16 cases; 0 deaths

Monday, April 13
Despite heavy thunderstorms overnight, I slept well.  Maybe I'm over my sleepless nights for a while.  Today I went back to my old yoga routine.  It felt so good.  And I've started a food log on FitBit.  Wonder how long that will last!

Otherwise a very quiet, still day.  I spend several hours catching up on my travel blog, transferring my notes and pictures.  I've made it almost to the end of January.

Again, I did not record my list of activities.

US: 2,821,149 tests performed; 560,891 confirmed cases; 21,602 deaths
TN: 5508 confirmed cases; 106 deaths
LoCo: 16 cases

Tuesday, April 14
We got going early to go grocery shopping.  Big outing!  We haven't been to the grocery store since March 26. The list was long but the store was not crowded.

Today I began copying my Q-log into my blog - after catching up to date on my travel posts since mid-October.

The afternoon warmed enough for a walk.  It was good to move more today after too many sedentary days.  I picked asparagus and filmed baby birds.  The bluebird eggs are still not hatched.

BlueBird eggs

Baby wrens

Numbers: 10 am
US: 582,634 cases; 23,649 deaths
TN: 5610 cases; 109 deaths
LoCo: 16 cases; 11 recovered

  1. Connecting with :???
  2. Letting go: ???
  3. Getting outside:  a walk with Bill; enjoying the garden
  4. Moving: morning yoga
  5. Creativity: working on my blog
  6. Self-care: daily readying
  7. Grateful for: baby birds - life goes on

Wednesday, April 15
Tax Day. Although this year tax day has been moved back to July 15. We filed early have have already received our refund and our stimulus check of $2400.

My morning readings have paired Acts 2:28 and Mary Oliver's poem, Dream Work. She says - "What is the name of the deep breath I would take - over and over for all of us?  Call it whatever you want, it is happiness, it is another one of the ways to enter fire."  And from Acts: "You have shown me the paths of life; your presence will fill me with happiness."

I call it God and I have no better concept of God that breath or joy or fire.

Numbers: 4 am
US: 607,318 cases; 26,031 deaths
       NY reclassified and included more than 3000 presumed Covid-19 cases/deaths - those who did not die in the hospital or were not tested because they were so critical
TN: 5654 cases; 123 deaths
LoCo: 17 cases; 13 recovered

Stats I calculated today from TN Dept of Health website:

Thursday, April 16
I had a good morning call with Anna about some mutual family history that she has been excited to learn - perhaps more Farrar and Whitaker connections.  I got a little more of this log transferred to my blog and learned to add video.

Noon Zoom with Kathy and Connie for a version of Neighborhood lunch.  I set up my first Zoom meeting.  In the afternoon, I did a little yard work and Bill and I had a nice walk up the hill. I am enjoying the goldfinches at the feeder just outside my easy chair.  They are in full color now!

Then another Zoom meeting with the LoCo Dem group and guest Rep Gloria Johnson from Knoxville.  Interesting and informative!

My morning meditation on "Practice Resurrection" resulted in a separate blog entry and FB post.

Goldfinches at my window

Brock's house from our walk

Numbers: 4 am
US: 636,917 cases; 28,586 deaths
TN: 6079 cases; 135 deaths
LoCo: 18 cases; 15 recovered
Knox: 179 cases; 136 recovered; 4 deaths
In TN, there have been 10 deaths of people under the age of 50.  Most are over 80.

  1. Connecting: Zoom with Kathy & Connie; phone with Anna; Zoom LoCo Dem mtg
  2. Letting go: lunch with friends
  3. Outside: yard work, walk with Bill, deck cocktails on a beautiful day, almost 70
  4. Moving: as above
  5. Creativity: writing Practice Resurrection
  6. Self-care: all of the above
  7. Grateful for internet technology that foster's connection

Friday, April 17
from Disciples reading, 1 Peter 1:6 - "Rejoice in hope, even though it is necessary to be distressed for a short time by trials."

I recognize and mourn the suffering around me, yet I am not suffering.  I have everything I need.  My trials are small and my burden light.  I pray to keep my eyes open to the needs of others and respond as I am able.

Our Trinity team met and recorded worship for Sunday.

Then I was off the the dermatologist for another Basal Cell way of Total Wine for resupply.

Hamburgers for supper

US: 667,945 cases; 30665 deaths
TN: 6090 cases; 144 deaths
LoCo: 19 cases
TN has 89 cases/100,000 population; KY has 54 cases/100,000
That is the difference in early response and medicaid expansion

Saturday, April 18
Cool and windy day.  Stayed inside and made masks- for Warren and Olivia.  Did not record any numbers.  We had a big Saturday breakfast and fried rice for suppler.  

There are protests this week in some places against quarantine.  They'll be coming here soon, I bet.
Loudon County had drive through testing this morning.  I later heard that they were out of tests by 10:30 am. Our current case count is 21 with 17 recovered.  That number should spike with increased testing.  I m

I filmed the baby wrens and one flew out of the nest.  I hope it makes it.  Two bluebird eggs have hatched.

Baby Wrens are fledged

Bluebirds are hatching

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Practice Resurrection

Practice Resurrection is the theme of my daily Disciplines reading.  It references Wendell Berry's poem, written in 1973.  Paraphasing from the reading of what it means :

Practice Resurrection
Practice beginning anew
Practice setting aside old grudges
Practice forgiveness
Practice defiance of an old status quo
Practice joy
Practice makes perfect

Practice resurrection in celebrating the gift of life 
and hope in the middle of a pandemic 
when we no longer know what normal is or will be.

by Wendell Berry
Love the quick profit, the annual raise, vacation with pay. 
Want more of everything ready-made.
Be afraid to know your neighbors and to die.
And you will have a window in your head.

Not even your future will be a mystery any more.
Your mind will be punched in a card and shut away in a little drawer. 

When they want you to buy something they will call you.
When they want you to die for profit they will let you know.
So, friends, every day do something that won't compute.
Love the Lord. Love the world. Work for nothing.
Take all that you have and be poor.
Love someone who does not deserve it.
Denounce the government and embrace the flag.
Hope to live in that free republic for which it stands.
Give your approval to all you cannot understand.
Praise ignorance, for what man
has not encountered he has not destroyed.
Ask the questions that have no answers.
Invest in the millennium.
Plant sequoias.
Say that your main crop is the forest that you did not plant,
that you will not live to harvest.

Say that the leaves are harvested when they have rotted into the mold. 
Call that profit. Prophesy such returns.
Put your faith in the two inches of humus that will build under the trees every thousand years.

Listen to carrion--put your ear close,
and hear the faint chattering of the songs that are to come. Expect the end of the world.
Laugh. Laughter is immeasurable.
Be joyful though you have considered all the facts.
So long as women do not go cheap
for power, please women more than men.
Ask yourself: Will this satisfy a woman satisfied to bear a child? Will this disturb the sleep of a woman near to giving birth?
Go with your love to the fields.
Lie easy in the shade. Rest your head in her lap.
Swear allegiance to what is nighest your thoughts.
As soon as the generals and the politicos can predict the motions 

of your mind, lose it.
Leave it as a sign to mark a false trail, the way you didn't go.
Be like the fox who makes more tracks than necessary,
some in the wrong direction.
Practice resurrection. 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Quarantine Log - April 5 - April 11

Sunday, April 5 - Palm Sunday
I got up with the goal of making more masks - 2 maroon for Park & Cindy, UT Orange for David.

Weather was beautiful.  It hit 79 today.  We grilled outside.

The numbers at 6:40 am
US: 312,245 cases, 8503 deaths, 1344 new cases
TN: 3321 cases, 43 deaths
LoCo: 13 cases
Knox: 99 cases; 1 death

  1. Connecting with Laura & family; long phone call with Anna
  2. Letting go: Sunday church services
  3. Outside: grilling on the deck
  4. Moving: not enough
  5. Creativity: I found a UT bandana which will make 4 masks.  Completed 1 for David and 2 maroon masks from a dinner napkin
  6. Self care: thinking of loved ones as I made masks
  7. Grateful for loving family and safe home.

Monday, April 6
Another gorgeous spring day.  What a contrast to the grim news.  In the morning Bill worked on digging for the outdoor faucet repair and I cleared the last bed in the garden and mowed the paths.

In the afternoon I worked on masks for Anna and Jake, Mike and Bonnie.  Mailed the completed ones to Park & Cindy and David & Trisha. Delivered a mask and steak/potato to Bonnie.  Filmed the wren's nest again and found that the eggs are hatching.

The numbers at 8:30 am  
(cases are confirmed cases and deaths are confirmed deaths, not tested are not included)
US: 337,000 cases; 9653 deaths
Global: 1.289,000 cases; 70,356 deaths
25% of the economy is idle

Tuesday, April 7
It didn't rain as predicted earlier.  Warm day with some sun and clouds, still in the 70s.   No yard/garden work today.  I finished the masks for Anna & Jake.  Picked up Amanda for a walk up the hill to sunset point.  She and I also took video of baby wrens and bluebird nest which has 4 eggs.  After lunch Claire came over and we tested fabric scraps in microwave after the one I gave Bonnie burned up this morning.  Fried rice for supper.

LoCo: 15 cases; 8 recovered

  1. Connecting: Claire and Amanda; long phone visit with Bonnie
  2. Letting go ??
  3. Outside: walk up the hill with Bill & Amanda
  4. Moving: ditto
  5. Creativity: still sewing, sent patterns to Cindy for Eric T
  6. Self-care: morning Disciplines reading
  7. Grateful: for the opportunity and place to walk, for fun time with Claire & Amanda

Wednesday, April 8
Up early because I couldn't sleep.  Learned that John Prine has died in Nashville of complications from coronavirus.  We loved his unique music.

Today's reading is Hebrews 12:1-3. Paraphrasing - run the race laid out before us, throw off extra baggage, get rid of sins (habits) that trip us up.  This admonition is part of what Lent is about - getting rid of baggage, rooting out temptations.  This year with quarantine the lesson has been brought home in a tangible way so --- don't be discouraged, don't give up, endure!

I spent most of the morning cooking - banana bread, 2 loafs; pinto beans and cornbread for supper.  Later I added Old Glory canned turnip greens (I've used up all from my freezer) and salmon croquettes plus some leftover Allen's canned green beans (I've used all my home-canned).  Good country pantry supper.

Matzek family came by later afternoon after their hike.  Mike is only working 2 days/ week now.  Bonnie stopped by with more steaks for the freezer and I gave her another UT face mask to replace the one she burned in the microwave.

US: 398,785 cases; 12,893 deaths  by noon the US count was 401,059 cases; 13,725 deaths
TN: 4139 cases; 72 deaths; predicted peak is Apr 18 with 25 deaths/day then tailing off by mid-May.

  1. Connecting: Matzek family
  2. Letting go ??
  3. Outside: only briefly to update the baby bird video
  4. Moving: not much, although my FitBit gave me 3190 steps for the day and 5/9 hrs moving
  5. Creativity: pantry supper
  6. Self-care: noon Zoom prayer meeting
  7. Grateful for a quiet day.

Thursday, April 9
Cool breezy day but not too much for a walk.  We have changed out route since the park has closed all but the boat ramp.  We go up Grub Rd, past the Brocks to "sunset point" or a little beyond.  

Today I spent a good bit of time on a church web/email problem.  And sewed more masks.  I want to take some tomorrow for our video team.  I filmed another episode of baby birds.  Wonder if my skin rash (bad today) is thyroid related.

At 6 pm I had TWO Zoom meetings.  Trinity Maundy Thursday worship/communion.  A most unusual way to take communion, on my deck with my wine and cracker.  Just the three of us joined - Sandra, Kristie and me.  Kristie also broadcast it on Facebook Live so I don't know if others partook that way.  Communion is always a communal act, even though in its essence it is deeply personal.  The UMC gave special dispensation to receive communion in this way.

Afterwards, I joined the Loudon County Democratic Exec Committee (I represent 5th district) in progress until 7 pm.

Numbers: (8 am)
US: Tests - 2,222,441; Cases- 426,222; Deaths - 14,652
TN: Tests - 56,618; Cases - 4362; Deaths - 78
LoCo: Cases - 15; 9 recovered

  1. Connecting: Zoom communion and Demo Mtg
  2. Letting go: ?
  3. Outside: walk with Bill
  4. moving: same
  5. Creativity: sewing more masks
  6. Self care: Communion/worship
  7. Grateful to be safe and able to get outside

Friday, April 10
For some reason that I can't identify, I'm not sleeping well.  Friday is worship video day, so off to church to video Easter Sunday.  Pastor Kristie did a good job.  Ed takes the audio recorded on our sound board and merges with video and still images to produce an movie that is uploaded to our church YouTube channel.  We then share that link on our website, Facebook and via the church email list.

By the time I got home, had lunch and uploaded video it was 4 pm and time for a walk.  Bonnie showed up at the end of our walk, Kathy came over and we had a great time enjoying mint juleps, laughing and talking in person at a proper social distance.

US: 465,329 cases; 16,672 deaths
TN: 4635 cases; 94 deaths
LoCo: 15 cases

  1. Connecting: lots of connection today to produce the video, then in-person visit with Bonnie & Kathy
  2. Letting go: ??
  3. Outside: Walk and deck cocktail party
  4. Moving: above
  5. Creativity: video project
  6. Self care: all above
  7. Grateful for friend connections

Saturday, April 11
Spring!  Awake too early, slept too little.  Made a Saturday breakfast/brunch and then made pimento cheese to take on our outing.  We drove the RV to the Matzek's lake lot where they were cleaning and mowing.  How great to get out and do something fun and different. Claire had discovered a deer skeleton and showed off her forensic skills:

We had a good time, took a walk down their neighborhood road before we left.  They have the lot listed for sale for $99,000.

Lowe's was too crowded to stop.  Home for leftover supper.

No Numbers

  1. Connecting: long phone talk with Kathy and fun with all the Matzeks
  2. Letting go:  running into the store
  3. Outside: Visiting around the firepit
  4. Moving: taking a walk with Matzeks
  5. Creativity: created 2 FB posts for Easter and uploaded worship video to website
  6. Self care: all above
  7. Grateful for freedom to move around

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Quarantine Log April 2 - April 4

April 2
After a cool start, the day turned sunny and warmed into the low 60s.  I found a new mask pattern and made this is morning.   Bill help me prune the apple trees. Laura, Claire, Amanda & Leo came over for a walk to the park/boat ramp.  I made buffalo chicken thighs in the air fryer.  Turned out pretty good.

  1. Connected with Laura, et al, Kathy & Mary Mills
  2. Letting go??
  3. Getting outside pruning trees and walking
  4. Moving same
  5. Creativity - found a new pattern and much easier, better pattern for face masks.  Found a couple of old sheets to use along with my remnants.
  6. Self care-morning reading with Disciplines and all above activities
  7. Grateful for family nearby

April 3
Friday - Today I get to drive to town, to church to video worship for Sunday.  I haven't gone out in the world since last Friday.  Tenn is now under a state-side "stay at home" order and the CDC is recommending that everyone wear a cloth face covering in public, esp where 6-ft distancing is hard to maintain.  Walmart and Home Depot among others have restricted access to their stores.  The list of essential businesses that can stay open is extensive, including liquor stores and gun shops.  Of course, grocery, pharmacy, hardware, repair, and ag supplies are included and also financial institutions.  Charities like Good Samaritan can operate.  We have modified out operating proceedures so that requests are by phone, clients are not in the building.

I worked all day on the video project and didn't accomplish anything else except supper.

By the numbers:
US - 373,000 confirmed cases; 7000 deaths; 30,000 new cases today.  These are confirmed cases which means they have been tested.  Many more have been sent home untested or never presented.
TN - 3000+ cases; Knox Co - 98 cases; Loudon Co - 13 cases

  1. Connecting with Kathy, Melanie, Walter and worship crew at church
  2. Letting go??
  3. Getting outside - mint julep on the deck with Bill before supper
  4. Moving - not enough, too much computer time
  5. Creativity - learning more about video
  6. Self-care - all above
  7. Grateful for the change to connect with others to achieve a goal; for privilege that permits me to enjoy being at home without financial worry

April 4
Saturday - What a beautiful spring day!  Redbud and dogwood and wisteria are blooming brightly.  We've not had a frost since ??? don't remember.

I cut out several mask parts but only completed one. Spent some time in the am working on web upload for worship video.

After lunch (last of Wed's lentils and rice) I worked in the garden to clear weeds from the green bean fence.  Bill and I set up the deck umbrellas and enjoyed happy hour under the shade of the big one. Laura and family took the kayaks to their lake lot.  ZOOM birthday visit with Owen and family.  Bill has ordered a guitar to be delivered to him next week. David got us onto Marco Polo to share video with the kids.  Today I recorded and sent short clips.  I have a wren next in the garden shed which we will follow...5 little brown eggs.

  1. Connecting - Zoom birthday party! texting with Park
  2. Letting go - running out for supplies
  3. Outside - garden work and deck sitting
  4. Moving - gardening
  5. Creativity - making masks, video
  6. Self-care - daily reading and all above
  7. Grateful to be outside

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Quarantine Log - March 13-April 1

In the wee hours of this first day of April, 2020 I thought that I should begin a quarantine journal.  This event is historic, though not without precedent. 

First some background and significant dates to catch us up.

  • Late December, 2019 - The novel coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China, although it may have been circulating for some weeks prior.
  • By March 27 it had spread to at least 175 countries and infected more than 558,502 people, killing more than 25,000.
  • January 20 - The first US case was reported in Snohomish Co., Washington state.
  • January 30 - WHO declared a "Public Health Emergency of International Concern."
  • February 11 - WHO officially named the disease COVID-19
  • February 28 - I stocked up on staples from Walmart and Food City.
  • February 29 - 1st US death on American soil
  • March 11 - WHO declared a world-wide pandemic
  • March 13 - US National Emergency declared
  • March 15 - our Holston Conference declared that all UMC to cease public gatherings until further notice
  • March 26 - US leads world with more than 82,000 confirmed cases. NYC & NJ are epicenters
  • March 27 - Nearly half of Americans are under "Stay at home" orders (mostly voluntary), all non-essential businesses closed but many businesses are considered essential
Bill and I decided we would stay at home except for essentials.  Actually we have been doing so since mid-March. 

Catching up to April 1:
On March 13 Melanie arrived to visit for a few days following Mother's memorial service in Sunflower, MS on March 7. I was a little nervous about handshakes and hugs before and after the service, but reasoned that the outbreak had not yet reached our parts of the deep South.  Melanie returned home on March 18, concerned about travel safety.  She returned to a house under self-quartantine because of an illness-scare which thankfully turned out negative for COVID-19.  

Bill and I were separately and carefully in public on March 19 for supplies.  I have made my own sanitizer. We did not go out again in public until Friday, March 26.  Food City has early (7-8 am) senior hours) and we also had a pick-up of pre-ordered bird seed from Tractor Supply.  I went to church to help with video worship on March 27.  We will do this weekly for as long as needed or as long as we are able. Present Pastor Kristie, Cindy Rausin, Joel Bonnan and JoLynn Blumquist, Ed Tinnel and me.

Nice weekend weather March 26-30 allowed Bill and me to do some yard/garden work and get in a few walks. All day use except boat ramp and roads are closed at Melton Hill TVA park.

I have made several surgical-type face masks and plan to make more.  I've also been working on website and video skills and learned to use Zoom as an end-user.

My plan is that beginning today, April 1, I will make a journal record of my COVID-19 quarantine experience and respond to the questions posted by East Tenn Mental Health Assoc. and taped in the front cover of my print journal.

April 1:
  1. Check on/ connected with - Kathy Brock and Laura by phone, Judith Delaney by email, Pastor Kristie, Sandra Guinn and Kathy B by Zoom prayer meeting.
  2. Letting go of - ??
  3. Getting outside - this was a cool damp day so outside was limited to fetching mail and picking some cilantro from the garden.
  4. Moving - did my video YOGA BURN
  5. Creativity - started this journal, cooked a new dish - Mujarddan (lentils & rice & fried onions)
  6. Self-care - all of above
  7. I am GRATEFUL for a safe home that lets me be in nature.