I haven't visited my blog in several weeks. Summer is a busy time for a country girl, tending the garden, picking the produce, canning green beans and tomatoes, making jam. It is also a time for playing outside, not sitting indoors at the computer. The last couple of weeks in the garden, with sunflowers blooming, have brought lyrics from the old gospel to my mind: "When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun, Oh, Lord, have mercy on me." In my heart is thanksgiving, praise and a plea for mercy.
Faces lifted up
Seeking energy, power,
Sun (Son), Source of life.
Another recent meditation theme from "Alive Now" online was deserted places. My thoughts:
Alone with Spirit
Renewed in meditation
Sometimes just alone.
A deserted place can be a refuge from the business o f the world; a place for gaining sustenance and gathering strength; a place eagerly sought and hard to find.
A deserted place can also be where we find ourselves alone, friendless, abandoned, frightened, without the resources we need to live.
To intentionally find my deserted places brings us peace that can help me in the times when the deserted places find me.