Friday, September 28, 2012


Splash of red on green
Dogwood and Sourwood color
September hills.

Bill and I made an RV trip last week to Roan Mountain State Park in upper East Tennessee. The weather was perfect for our goal: hike a ways on the AT along the high ridge balds, starting at Carver's Gap. The pictures below are just a few of the many I took of the breathtaking views. This is about as good as it gets in the East.

Our starting point

The ridges go on forever it seems

Goal #1 achieved, Jane Bald, 5807 ft

Grassy Ridge trail spits off the AT. We decide to press up Grassy Ridge
Looking back at Round Bald, 5826 ft, the first high point on the hike. We have to go back up before we are done.

That little path is part of the AT

Taking a break before finishing the climb.Views in every direction.

We made it to the top of Grassy Ridge, about 6000 ft and 2 miles from Carver's Gap.