Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Last Days Before

December 1-7
I went to Jackson to be with Melanie and mother. Stayed the nights with Brenda Parmalee and her sweet dog MayBee.  Took care of getting Mother's affairs in order, revised the will and made sure the financial accounts had the right designations.  Park came for lunch on Friday.  During this visit I developed a deeper relationship with Brenda.

January 8-13
Left for Jackson after the Good Sam Exec Com meeting.  Mother was sleeping and not able to rouse that first evening, but she rallied and we had some good visits.  The best memory is our "Champagne Party" with Brenda, Melanie, Mother and me around her bed drinking champagne and laughing so much. It might be my last visit.  If so, it was very satisfying, very good.

Laura's and David's families went to visit Mother over MLK holiday.

February 13-18
Back to Jackson so Melanie could go out to Austin to be with Simon and the boys over President's Day holiday. Mother's is no longer able to transfer, even with help, from her bed to chair or toilet.  This is very hard for her to accept.  Every day we wonder if it will be the last.  She doesn't seem to be in pain and she has times when she is very alert.

From my FB post Feb 15:
Praying that my Jackson area friends are safe and dry. I’m in Jackson this weekend and the rising water is serious. We’re ok on this end of Grant’s Ferry. Also flooding in some areas of the Delta but I don’t have much information.

Feb 16, From my reflections on Be-A-Disciple Study, Jesus Unbound: (Mother was very much part of this discussion)
Last night we (Nathaniel, Jayna, mother, me) were visiting around mother’s bedside and our attention and conversation turned to the abstract painting that has been on her wall, wherever she has lived, for many years.  She had always said that she never tires of looking at it and often finds new and interesting images in it.  After reading Ch 6, Knowing the Truth, I reflected that the Bible can be compared to that painting. We may have looked at the painting many times and seen just to be a jumble of lines, shapes, spaces of dark and light.  But we all agreed that the longer one looks at it, rests with it, abides with it, the more images come into focus. The images were not created by the painter but through our interaction with the painting - our angle of view and the play of light. The painting hasn’t changed in any way, but as we live with it (abide with it), our understanding of it changes. And we don’t all see the same thing at the same time. As Jayna observed, it’s like finding shapes in the clouds.

Our response to the painting is a great metaphor for how I have come to understand the Bible.  The Bible hasn’t changed. My understanding of it is a constant interplay between the words, our circumstance in the moment, my background knowledge and the guidance of the Holy Spirit that illuminates the words for me. It is when I am able to open my heart (soul) and mind that the Bible can become a living instrument that points me to the Word of God - Jesus.

I left on February 18. I don't think Mother woke up to tell me good-bye.

On the evening of February 26, Ash Wednesday, Mother quietly stopped breathing and passed from this life.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Traveling South - Titusville & Merritt Island

January 29 - February 3, 2020
We arrived in Titusville and set up camp in Kevin Panik's driveway.  Thank You, Kevin.  We spent most of our days looking for birds and alligators at Merritt Island NWR.  Shared one meal, roast beef sandwiches with Kevin and his friend Eddie who parked his homemade camper in the other drive for a couple of nights.
My notes of these days consist of bird/wildlife lists for each day.
We left the morning of February 1 and stopped for the night at Santee, SC.  We need to check out Santee St. Park some time.  On the 2nd we headed to Asheville Smiths with a stop in Spartanburg for burgers at Fuddrucker's and Lady Vols game.  On the Smiths for Pizza and Superbowl.  Home on the 3rd by way of Hot Springs.

White Ibis


Green Heron

Wild Pig

Large flock of white pelicans

Roseate Spoonbills with Tricolor Heron in flight

Roseate Spoonbill

One of many alligators

With Kevin

Glossy Ibis & juvenile

Bald Eagle

Great Blue Heron

American Egret

Female Anhinga

Snowy Egret

Roseate Spoonbill

Snowy Egret

Our home away from home