Monday, July 12
Amanda began a two-day golf tournament in Jefferson City this morning. This is the East Tennessee Regional Championship of the Sneds tour that she had been playing all summer. A 10:45 tee-time required us to leave about 8:45 to allow for an hour+ drive, Knoxville traffic and warm-up time. We had no traffic delays, so we got to the exit with time enough to get some McDonald's fortification. Amanda got a smoothie and I chose ice-tea and egg-mcmuffin.
Rain and storms threatened all day, but held off until the 11th hole. A fierce but brief downpour soaked us pretty good. It also cooled us down for a little while. It was a very hot day! I had a cart, so had a little bit of protection.
This is the only picture I took. Amanda is on the far right. This shot shows the young golfers scattered across the course. |
Amanda did ok, but not her best day but she finished strong with 2 pars and a birdie on the last hole. We were on the road before 4 pm and got home shortly after 5. In time for me to get to make a 6 pm church meeting. Bill had a roasted chicken from the grocery ready for us which we served with rice and green peas.
Tuesday, July 13
Day 2 of the tournament with 10:15 tee-time. We left at 8:30 and again had a problem-free drive through Knoxville and time for a visit to Micky D's. Amanda scored better today, but not well enough to place in the top 3. She made par on quite a few holes. All-together, she considered it a good experience.
Waiting their turn. Amanda on the left. |
That ball is on its way to the hole. |
Wednesday, July 14
For the rest of this week and most of next week, Amanda is assisting her golf coach with a clinic for younger kids. I picked her up at 8:30 and let her drive to Fox Den for the job. Claire will pick her up as it's on the way home from Claire's job. She is working about 2 1/2 hours in the morning doing child-care at a work-out gym in Farragut.
I was home a little after 9 and had time to pick some vegetables before heading off to lunch with our church Energizers group. This is the first outing since last March. We met at Lakeside Tavern in Farragut and were seating on the "porch." It is fully enclosed but has enormous windows that can be opened. When they opened them, the breeze was delightful. Food was good and the company was, too.
Joe, new pastor Linda Bass, Sandra, JoLynn, Joel, me, Steve, Terri, Margaret, Charlotte, Bob, Walter (Mike taking the picture) |
Thursday, July 15
Another day began with taking Amanda to her job at the golf clinic. Came home to catch up on some regular chores before it was time to head up to Connie Green's for our neighbor lunch. Just the four of us today. It is always a please to be on the Green's hill and enjoy their beautiful view of the Cumberland Mountain Ridge.
After lunch, I made a quick trip to town to check on Jim A. He is still at the motel and probably in need of groceries.
I am still a member of the Loudon County Democratic Executive Committee and tonight was our monthly Zoom meeting. I suppose I will continue to serve on this committee as it keeps me connected with what's happening in state and local politics. I'm trying to keep a low profile and not be too involved.
Friday, July 16
I saw a Whole Foods ad in my email feed for a good sale on Salmon and seafood. After I dropped off Amanda, I continued into Knoxville to Whole Foods and purchased 3 salmon filets (whole side, wild). I also bought a half pound of scallops and some nice frozen wild-caught shrimp. I'm planning a birthday party for Kathy on Sunday, so I continued on to Costco where I got some beautiful beef tenderloin, then to Shrimp Dock in Farragut where I bought 3 lobster tails. The basic ingredients, along with lettuce and fresh corn are in my now very crowded refrigerator waiting for Sunday.
The scallops are for tonight's supper, wrapped in bacon, skewered along with shrimp and cooked on the grill. Served with coconut rice and braised spinach. I had some fresh peaches which I subbed for the mango in the rice dish. A Friday night feast!
Saturday, July 17
The garden needed me and I needed the garden this morning. We have had several hard afternoon rains earlier this week that, along with Amanda's golf schedule, have kept me out of the garden. This morning was warm and muggy.
After picking, I cleared out the bush beans that were deer-damaged. I picked a few beans but they weren't making much of a come-back. I replanted the row with more beans and pruned the tomatoes. Today's harvest: almost 4 lbs purple-hull peas; almost 4 pounds tomatoes; okra - 3 oz, barely enough for a meal; green beans, 6 oz, a small serving for each of us. I had picked about 4 3/4 pounds of tomatoes earlier in the week. I'm also getting a few cucumbers and squash.
I spent the afternoon processing and ended up with 4 cups of crushed tomatoes in the freezer, plus more for eating and some still ripening; and 3 pints of shelled peas in the freezer.
Vertical cucumbers |
Okra is just beginning. With luck, it will produce until frost |
I don't remember this pepper variety and can't find it written. Maybe banana peppers. I'll try pickling them. |
Beautiful purple hull peas ready to harvest |
Purple Hull Peas |
Tomatoes are slowly ripening |
Today's harvest |
Ready for the freezer |
Sunday, July 18 - Happy Birthday Kathy Brock!
Sunday morning began with Sunday School and Worship. I am leading the SS class for now. I found that the UMC Worship planning has a small group lesson based on one of the week's lectionary scriptures. It is really just a discussion guide.
After church, I stopped in the check on Jim and got him some groceries. He is doing better and hopes to get back into his house in later this week.
My birthday gift to Kathy was to prepare her a steak and lobster dinner. The plan was to prepare it at my house and take it hot to their house where we would be ready to eat. I cooked 3 tenderloins in my cast iron skillet on the stovetop, wrapped them in aluminum foil to transport. I boiled the corn in my large pot in 2 bathes and held it in the warm oven. Then in the same hot water, I boiled the lobster tails, timing them to come out just after the steaks. I also wrapped them in foil. Salad toppings of garden fresh tomatoes and cucumbers and sliced red onions were prepared ahead of time. Two bottles of champagne chilled in the freezer. We were ready to go!
We had fun enjoying this special meal honoring a very dear friend. Kathy made fresh peach cobble for her birthday dessert.
We didn't get any good pictures because we were anxious to dig in while the food was still warm. The meal did not make a pretty plate, but it was pretty good to eat!
Not shown, but there was plenty of butter for the lobster and corn. |