Saturday, March 11, 2023

Catching up again - A photo journal - February 13-26

February 13
    I met with Judy N to discuss how we can help our friend Lynn H.  She is 85, no family around, only son in prison, diminished capacity due to age and probably depression.  Her finances are in disarray and I will be working to get her to legally assign a POA to her brother who lives in Louisiana.  This may be a long-term project.

February 14
From My Valentine

We got a package deal at Fresh Market to cook at home.  Lobster for me and crab cakes for Bill.

February 15 
- Baking Day
New Cast Iron pans for baking 

Good looking - Good eating Sourdough Boule.
The news pans worked well.

February 16
Good Southern Meal with Air-Fryer Chicken

February 17
Friday night feast
Chicken & Sausage Gumbo with a few Shrimp thrown in.

February 18
Nice afternoon for a walk along the river.

February 20
    Met with Good Samaritan group to begin work on a grant to address housing insecurity in Loudon County among our low-income clients.  We envision establishing a new GSC program that would provide utility and/or rental deposits for clients who could pay rent but cannot accumulate enough to make the initial deposits.  Getting into or staying in stable housing is a serious concern for low-income people and has a significant stress-impact on all aspects of their life.  We are applying the the Trinity Health Foundation who got us started on our dental program with their grants. 
    Lynn H has agreed to the POA, both general and medical.  I will get the paperwork going with a local lawyer from our church who will do this pro-bono.

February 21
    Busy day started with a date with my dermatologist.  She removed by freezing a pre-cancerous keratosis in my scalp.  Next stop was for the first class of our Lent Study at Trinity, "The Walk" by Adam Hamilton.  This is Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, also knows as Shrove Tuesday.  We had a pancake supper at church.  Yummy fun!

February 22
    I was back at church to meet with our new DAR friends who are interested in writing an historic preservation grant for Trinity to help alleviate water problems in the foundation.  Back to church for Ash Wednesday service, but this year Trinity UMC and Central UMC joined at Central to usher in the Lenten Season.  This year we met at Central, next year the plan is to meet at Trinity.  Time for a walk in-between.
Today was warm enough for a walk through the campground.
It's been a while.

February 23

We have a "chair yoga" group going at Trinity every Thursday morning.  Twenty or more women and men are exercising together and having a lot of fun.  After our session, of course a group of us goes to lunch.  Great fun with friends.

The afternoon was so lovely that Bill and I walked through the park again.

Hiding in the center of the photo is a Robin.  There was a large flock in the campground, but they were too quick for me to get pictures.  Robins are year-round residents here, but in the spring and fall we get extra visitors that are migrating through.

I had to record a clean desk.  It is a rare event!

February 26
We extended our afternoon walk for a little way up Grubb Road, enjoying the early bloomers.