January is a time for new beginnings, maybe some resolutions to improve myself, maybe just get back into a "normal" non-holiday routine. Jan 1 and 2 carried forward the holiday. David's family was with us and Laura's family, minus Claire, joined in celebrating the day. The Whitaker's got away at 9 am on the 2nd, so we had all day to clean up and put the house back to normal. We even had time for walk. On the 3rd, since we had nothing scheduled, we took down the tree and packed away Christmas until next year.
Wayne B had a fall on Christmas Eve so Wayne and Kathy's Christmas holiday was spent in the hospital. He suffered a few broken ribs, no head injuries. His limited mobility is now further limited by pain and weakness. After more than a week, he was transferred to Knoxville Rehabilitation Hospital. There he received excellent care and therapy, but recovering even limited mobility will be a long process. Our hearts go out to both of them.
On Thursday, Yoga resumed. It was great to see friends and stretch my body. Friday, I had lunch with Marie at Mimi's in Turkey Creek. I always enjoy our time together.
Friday was also the occasion for a family birthday celebration, mine! Laura and Mike hosted, Amanda was there and Kathy was able to come as well. Laura, with my consent, chose take-out from our new Indian cafe. We all enjoyed the different flavors of Indian food.
My actual birthday, Saturday January 6, started at the One Heart Community Closet at Church. I worked there with Monica and Raquel. We had about 10 clients. Bill took me out to dinner to celebrate. We chose Conner's in Turkey Creek. It was wonderful. I started with their calamari appetizer. For my entree I chose the small filet. They are well known for both. I was delighted with the evening.
Sunday was an unusually busy day. Sunday School and church as usual, then a funeral visitation for Denim Beeler, a young man about Laura's age who succumbed to cancer, leaving a wife and two sons. From there, I went back to Trinity for the Habitat Kick-off Celebration and Dedication. We had a good crowd representing the four UMC churches who are partnering for a build, Central, First Farragut, Loudon, and Trinity. The lot where the house will be built is just a couple of blocks from Trinity. Then some of our Trinity people gathered back at church to "undecorate" and share a bowl of Chili courtesy of Walter.
Habitat Kick-off |
Blessing the building site |
Monday continued the busy schedule, starting with UMW meeting at 10:30. I picked up Susan so she didn't have to drive. After the meeting, I made it back home before 1 pm to meet my new house-cleaners, Monica and her mom and cousin. Monday ended with a Finance/Admin Council meeting back at church. Whew!
Tuesday's big event was a hair cut. Wednesday, I attended the GSC Exec Board meeting as acting secretary and later visited Jim A. He is not doing well. Thursday was Yoga as usual.
Friday, January 12, Laura had rotator cuff surgery. She was home under Mike's excellent care by mid-afternoon. Friday's weather was unusual. The high temperature of the day was 58 at midnight as temps fell steadily all day.
Sunday was another day of falling temps, starting at 43 and falling to 28. We had a guest speaker from Wesley House Community Center. After church, we had our regular Meet & Greet lunch. On Saturday, I baked a spiral ham, cooled, deboned and plated it for my contribution. I had no left-over to bring home, but I had left-overs from the unsliced portion. Before dark, snow began to fall. We had no idea what we were in for!
Just the beginning, 10:26 pm Sunday night, Jan 14 |