Thursday, August 27, 2015

Surplus of Beauty

Nature is wanton
sparing neither her wrath nor
surplus of beauty.

Instead of our usual walk through Melton Hill Dam Park, Bill and I walked down toward the river and then up the trail to the overlook. The whole route is about 2 miles. Bill walked ahead of me on the trail, wielding his walking stick like a sword, slaying the spider webs strung across the way. He provided a clear path for my feet and freed me for observation and reflections. It can be hard to see anything new when walking a familiar path. In a couple of weeks, the yellow partridge peas will be replaced by goldenrod, ironweed and joe-pye. Near the top of the ridge, ground cedar (Diphasiastrum digitatum) still grows abundantly as it may have for thousands of years. It is actually a member of the club moss family which is one of the most most ancient of vascular plants. 

Clearing a path
Partridge Pea

Ground Cedar with Fern

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Bill and I spent a glorious evening star-gazing and counting shooting-stars at the campground of Big South Fork National Recreation Area. We didn't see one-a-minute but we did see about 60 over a three hour span. I can't think of a better way to spend a Wednesday night. On the drive over we detoured for an overlook of the wild Obed River. After checking out of our campsite on Thursday we stopped at Leatherwood Ford to walk along the Big South Fork River. BSF is a tributary of the Cumberland and flows north like the Cumberland. The path was shady and not took steep so we found ourselves walking all the 2.0 miles to the Angel Falls rapids.  We had a great experience of unspoiled wilderness not far from home.

Angel Falls rapids

Peaceful trail

Big South Fork River

Always enjoy a campfire, but not cooking on it.

See the coal seam behind Bill.

East Rim Overlook

Made it 2 mi there and 2 mi back. As Bill said, making it back was not an option.

Obed River overlook