Monday, April 19, 2010


Wisteria drips
Sweet perfume and purple bloom.
God's extravagance!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lost Week

For a week I have not breathed the fresh air, smelled the sweet perfume of spring blooms, heard the chirping of birds, felt the warmth of sun on skin or seen the glory of spring days. For a week I have been in the hospital fighting a blood infection. Today, after 5 nights and most of 6 days, I am home sitting on the deck recouping. It feels like heaven. The doctors, nurses and staff did their part admirably in providing the right care at the right time. Laura was faithful to cheer me and her homemade tea and bread sustained me when I could not manage the hospital food. Bill was my rock and comforter. The smothie he made me every morning nourished my body and his quiet presence, attentive to my needs, nourished my spirit. The concern and prayers of my family and friends enabled me to look ahead to better days. Thank you all for the part you played in my recovery. And thanks be to God for his ever-present care.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring Break Continues

We enjoyed Claire and Amanda for a sleep-over and we all enjoyed playing outside.
April is also the time for dogwoods and redbuds and blooms of all kinds. Sometimes the weather is just right and everything blooms at once.

Redbud Smile
Redbuds peeking out
Beneath forest canopy
Purple smiles of spring.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 6

Sometimes all the elements fall into place. Working in the garden, observing birds, kayaking with Laura, Claire, Amanda and Bill, and doing a little fishing with the girls. What a day! Record high temp made us think late June instead of April. We have been gardening in the same location since 1975. Much has changed over the years even as there has been a constancy. My garden meditation:

Told in four stanzas
Repeated year after year
My garden poem.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring Break

Spring Break began Friday (4/2). It was a perfect day, unseasonably warm and calm. Bill and I spent the morning in our fishing boat on Melton Hill Lake. No fish, but a wonderful experience. My observations:

Bird Song
Bird call and response
Echoing across treetops.
Spring mate-seeking song.

New Growth
Tiny green leaf buds
Invisible from afar
Bursting forth new life.

From my window
Wake to sweet bird song
Bathed in honeysuckled air.
Deer quietly grazing

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Gentle fading light
Welcoming clear sky daybreak,
Full moon greets morning.