Sunday, January 24
Doing a new thing this morning - a Zoom session for my Sunday School group. There were 6 of us participating. I'm glad I made the effort. We will do it again next week. Maybe more will join.
We had a quiet afternoon with Lady Vols BBall on TV and football playoffs (for Bill). A big flock of robins and a small flock of Starlings visited this afternoon. Actually, there were probably more Starlings than Robins but since they gather in such enormous flocks, it only seemed small in contrast. Starlings have an awful reputation because their great flocks can be disruptive and destructive, but individually they are quite beautiful. The way that they swoop and turn in flight in seeming choreography is amazing to watch.
Ruby's supper, New Orleans Seafood for be and ribs for Bill.
Sunday Numbers:
Loudon County: 52 deaths; 5089 total cases; 328 active; 152 new this week; Covid is now the 2nd leading cause of death in Loudon Co
92 cumulative hospitalizations
40.2 daily case rate (down)
14.8% pos rate (down)
TN: 708,717 total cases; 8859 deaths; 0-10 36,749; 11-20 88,929; 8 deaths in the 20 and under group
US: 2 pm NY Times
25,115,300 total cases; 167,954 new cases last week, down 31%
Maybe the holiday surge is over. Will the vaccines kick in before the US and SA strains take over
418,373 deaths; 113,609 hospitalized
Monday, January 25
I went to bed last night anticipating a new week ahead. Last Monday, I reflected on the energy of beginning. This week, I realize that a Sunday sabbatical is an important part of beginning Monday with fresh energ. So I don't feel bad about a lazy Sunday, but will give thanks for the luxury of a day of rest. When I was a working mother, I rarely experienced that luxury. I know that it is the same for Laura and Trisha who are not in that phase of life.
An almost empty calendar greeted me this morning. Today I will bake since the rain will confine us indoors.
I just learned that today my 2nd cousin on my mother's Farrar side, Katie Philley Johnson, died. She lost her long fight with Covid, having been on a ventilator since Dec 2. She was only 44 and leaves a husband and daughter and father and many dear family and friends.
Tuesday, January 26
Bill made and early run to Walmart this morning and I used the time to do the Audio Lectio for this week's scripture reading from Mark. I wrote my reflection notes which might become this week's SS message.
The roller-coaster weather of January continues. Today, we have spring - upper 60s and sunny all day. Kathy texted to say 'let's do something!' We decided to pick up Amanda and Ruby's $5 Tuesday sandwiches and go to Lenoir City Park for a picnic. What fun! Amanda fed the ducks and we all soaked up the warm sunshine. Later, I took Amanda to softball practice, letting her drive, of course.
Amanda's gentle patience paid off |
Two mallards and a coot |
When I got home, we loaded the scope and camera with hopes for a good view of the eagle's nest and eagles. We were able to zoom in on the next, but the eagles were elsewhere. We cut our walk a little short because of time, but what a pleasure is was to be out in the wonderfully soft, fresh air! I was not able to get a clear picture of the nest today. Trees in front interfere with the focus and the long zoom is hard to hold still. I did get an image of the late afternoon moon.
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Moon over Copper Ridge |
Back home to a final Glory Hallelujah for a wonderful day! |
Wednesday, January 27
The rainy day that was predicted didn't materialize. Amanda and I went grocery shopping. She cam home with me for a bite of lunch. After, the three of us went for a walk through the campground. Of course, the campground and day use areas are closed for the season, but we didn't let that detail deter us. Amanda did all the driving again today.
Laura got her 1st Covid vaccination today, qualifying as a spouse of a UT employee to receive end-of-day surplus. I told her 'No Fair!' but of course I'm thrilled for her. We hear that the new Biden Administration is working to deliver more doses to the states, so our turn will eventually come. Lack of vaccine seems to be the biggest issue in most places, rather than inadequate infrastructure.
Chicken thighs with green beans and purple-hull peas.
Thursday, January 28
Weather report today is clear and cold. Yoga in the morning (3rd time this week!) and church video recording in the afternoon. Home for an hour and then Amanda to softball. Fried rice for supper and Lady Vol BBall. (a win!).
TN: 717,583 total cases; 7737 deaths; 0-10 37,315; 11-20 90,015
LoCo: 5178 total cases; 57 deaths; 268 active; 95 total hospitalized
42.0 case rate; 18.1% pos rate on ave 56.7 tests/day. (These numbers may not be under-reported according to the raw data.)
US: new cases are decreasing; 25,711,600 total cases; 430,916 deaths
Friday, January 29
Instead of staying home all day like I planned, after breakfast I went to town with Kathy for more groceries. Sales on lamb at Aldi and ham at Food City tempted me. Nothing special in the afternoon. I posted this week's worship video and updated the church website with the February newsletter.
We trimmed another dogwood limb which we hope will prevent the squirrels from robbing the feeders. It took the smart little beasts just one day to figure out how to leap from the limb and bypass the cone we had installed a few days ago.
The lamb roast for supper was super. I enjoy the meat and try not to think about the lamb. There is enough left over for one or two more meals. I forgot to take a picture.
Saturday, January 30
I got my SS message sent this morning, using my notes from Tuesday morning. We watched a movie in the afternoon- "The Dig" - very enjoyable. UT Men's BBall in the evening, with leftover lamb for supper. I didn't get many pictures this week. I hope I have more opportunity next week. Our hawk has made several appearances this week, but no photo opportunities. The little birds at the feeders provide a lot of pleasure, but no photo opportunities. We've had a Downy Woodpecker at the suet feeder this week, but not photo opportunities. Maybe next week.
For some reason, Bill's garage JuJu caught my eye this week. Thanks, Jeff.
The Jeff Smith creation might deserve a more prominent location, but he's doing his job in the garage. |