Wednesday, January 13, 2021

As the congress debates impeachment (again)

I see and hear all around me - on social media, in print, on broadcast media – people trying to make sense of and articulate what they think and feel about current events. As I write, the US House of Representatives is debating articles impeachment against Trump. No doubt, the impeachment will be confirmed by the end of the day. I am disheartened to hear so many speak against impeachment, to downplay the seriousness of recent events or to be unwilling to acknowledge the Trump's role in inciting insurrection. To those who will fail to impeach and convict Trump because they are afraid for their lives and their families, I say you are “giving in to the terrorists.” To those who will fail to impeach and convict Trump because they don't want to further divide the country, I say “how much more divided can we become. You are appeasers.” To those who truly believe the lies and propaganda that have been spun from this White House I say, “you have no moral compass.” To those who cynically use support for Trump to further their own political career I say, “you are not fit to govern.”

I have tried to express my deep concern that Trump is not and has never been fit to govern, that he is and has been a clear and present danger to our democracy. Unless he is held accountable in the strongest possible terms, he will continue to mislead his followers and will continue to undermine our great nation. Impeachment and conviction are the tools at hand to hold him accountable. His most devoted followers will not be reconciled, but they are not likely to be reconciled under any circumstances that resemble democratic norms.

I call on our elected leaders to do the right thing. It is never to late. 

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