Tuesday, October 18, 2022

October 18


Morning glow, bright clear
Sunlight on October leaves
Hint of frosty grass.

Fall welcomed us back to our East Tennessee hill.  We sank into our familiar bed and into our familiar routines with gladness for going and gladness for coming home. The morning shadows were long when I awoke this morning, not to the gentle swish of surf, but to a nip in the air which promised a beautiful day.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Solitary Sanderling - Orange Beach 2022

 Solitary Sanderling
Skittering Silently
Scavenging Surf

I started composing Haiku on a beach vacation in March of 200?  I starting posting on this blog in 2010  I have been silent for a while as life resumed its busy-ness earlier this year.  I have continued to mentally compose my blog almost every day, but have not paused to properly reflect and write.  Here I am sharing a photo album of our family time at Wind Drift, Orange Beach, Alabama.  My younger grandchildren's energy, laughter and hugs have been my delight. My older grand-daughters conversations have been my treasure.  Time with my own children, their spouses and Bill has been precious.  We have 2 more nights before packing up and heading north toward home.  The sabbatical time has been restorative.

Photo Album link