Day 7: Friday, February 28 - Economic Boycott Day - Orlando Wetlands
We tried not to spend any money today but we needed gas and lunch. We bought our lunch from Popeye's Fried Chicken which has many black-owned franchises, managers and customers.
Kevin had recommended that we visit Orlando Wetlands outside of Titusville. It provides natural water treatment for the city of Orlando with an extensive wetland and pond system. It is home to a great variety of waterfowl and wildlife. Instead of driving the levees as we did at Merritt Island, visitors walk or take an electric tram. The trams were busy! We chose to walk the 3-mile birding loop.
Walking along the levee, we encountered alligators up close. Visitors were warned to stay at least 25 feet away and we tried to do that! We saw an abundance of wading and swimming birds, little songbirds flitting in the trees, various blackbirds, vultures and osprey of course. As we neared the end of the first loop, we had to decide which fork to take to return to the parked RV. The longer path included a boardwalk which I had heard was not to be missed. Of course I didn't want to miss out, so I took the boardwalk path. Bill had seen enough and took the more direct path back.
Just before that same junction, we came upon the pair of Sandhill Crane and their two chicks. They literally walked along with us for about 100 feet - very up close and personal. That encounter was worth the whole trip to me.
My path also took me took close to a couple of very large alligators snoozing in the warm sun. They definitely were not interested in me, but I gave them as wide a berth as possible. To get to the boardwalk ahead, I had to pass by this big fellow.
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