Saturday, May 29, 2021

The Journey Continues...Gardening, May 17-23

 Monday, May 17 - Travel Day

I got away from Melanie's before 9 am but not before having a good egg & toast breakfast.  Thankfully, the drive was uneventful and I made good time, getting home before 5.  I'm always excited to go on a trip and always glad to be home.

The catfish travelled well, too, and was not thawed. We repacked it, 3 filets (3-5 oz) per quart ziplock.  Fifteen pounds made 18 packages plus 3 filets to cook for supper. I tried a new technique.  I soaked the filets in a milk & hot sauce mixture before dredging lightly in cornmeal mix and cooked it in the air-fryer for 16 minutes.  It was served with steamed spinach and new potatoes.   YUM!!

Tuesday, May 18

With hot dry weather predicted all week, I decided I should get my soaker hoses laid and vegetable beds mulched.  I know that my Mississippi people think upper 80s is not THAT hot, but for East Tenn in May, we will be 5-10 degrees above average.

I had one soaker hose left from prior years and had bought 3 new 50 ft hoses.  After getting the old hose laid out, I decided that it was not working well enough. I ended up taking it out and then did not have enough new hose to finish the work.  I had to buy 3 more hoses.  Working with these hoses is harder than it seems. Enough outdoor work for one day!

I found two already cooked boneless chicken breasts in the freezer.  I made a gravy and served them over rice, with leftover spinach.

Wednesday, May 19 - Happy Birthday Heather

I started the day in the garden.  First, I got all the soaker hoses laid.  Using a leftover bale of straw, I was able to mulch the tomato row. It doesn't sound like much, but before putting down the straw, I put down back landscape fabric.  Otherwise, grass grows up through the straw.  It is upside down work and time-consuming.  I worked about 2 1/2 hours with ample water breaks.

Ruby Tuesday has the BOGO offer only on Wednesdays now, so we are changing our practice, too.  We each had a salmon dinner and each of us had a small amount of fish leftover.

After an early supper, I had a Zoom Loudon County Democrat Exec Committee meeting.  I will have to decide in the next couple of months as to whether I want to continue to serve on the County Committee.

Thursday, May 20

Amanda had a 9:15 hair cut appointment in Turkey Creek so her driver (me) was out early. I used the wait time to go to the grocery.  When she was finished, we went to Panera for a breakfast treat.  We each had a cinnamon bagel with cream cheese and tea.  We found a table outside to enjoy our treats.  Of course, we took a bagel home to Claire who doesn't work on Thursdays.  Her summer job is child care at a gym that offers the service for their morning classes.

We were home in plenty of time for me to make a salad and go to Kathy's for lunch.  This is the 3rd Thursday, reserved for our little group of neighbor friends.  It is always a pleasure to gather, catch up on news and share ideas, observations and talk about books we've read since we gathered last.

I actually had some chicken left from last night and about 1/2 cup of rice.  I used it to make enchiladas.  Surprisingly, there was enough for 6 enchiladas, my usual recipe. We had 2 apiece and one left for lunch.  Those 2 chicken breasts stretched a long way.  We are enjoying salads from the beautiful buttercrunch lettuce in the garden. We better eat it quickly considering this heat.

Friday, May 21

Back to the garden this morning to mulch the last bed.  I had plenty of landscape fabric to lay between the peas, squash and peppers.  I finish out the bale of straw but was just short of completing the row.  I knew that by the time I got back from Home Depot with another bale of straw it would be too late (hot) to finish the job.

I spent most of the afternoon researching Pentecost and the Wesley Brothers to prepare for leading Sunday School this week. 

On Friday, Papa Murphy's has a $5 special on single topping pizza,  We got a pepperoni and dressed it with our favorite toppings for a Friday night treat.

Laura, Mike, Claire and Amanda left this afternoon for a week's vacation in Orlando.  They have tickets for some of the Disney attractions and have booked a condo on or near the attractions. LeRoy will be at the vets until we pick him up on Tuesday.

Saturday, May 22

I finished the last of the mulching this morning - an easy task compared to previous days.  I probably used only 1/4 of the bale, so I have lots of straw on hand for the next job.  I also weeded the green beans row.  It is too closely spaced to mulch.  I'll have early peas in a couple of weeks.  I was through early and went to the farmer's market in search of strawberries.  I didn't find them there, but bought some at Pope's at the junction.  I hope to make some jam.

Back in the house, I made 2 loaves of banana bread and 2 foccacia loaves.  The baking took all afternoon. In between risings, I had a long phone visit with Anna. The cicadas were singing loudly from my right and the katydids were buzzing loudly from my left. A battle of bug bands.  I was quite loud.

Sunday, May 23

We both woke up early - 6:30 seems to be it these days, as soon as the light filters in through the blinds.   We had time for a walk before I had to get ready for Sunday School and church. Since I was leading the class, I could skip!  The lesson went well and church is getting back to normal.

For a few weeks, I'll just watch it grow and pull the occasional weed.

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