October 1: September went by in a flurry of activity. Our six-week adventure began Oct 1 at 6 am with coffee. By 7:30 we were on the road. At 5:30 we were in our Wind Drift condo.
Summer heat lingers
As falling leaves litter lawns
And geese fly over
First of October
Six-week adventure begins.
Beach sun fish boat fun.
October 2, 6 pm
Storm clouds gathering
Scattered raindrops wet my face
Then quickly over.
October 3:
Allison's first beach
Exploring, discovering
Sand and surf delight.
Owen on the move
Building sand castles, knocking
them down, chasing birds.
October 4:
Cloudless blue above
North wind-calmed sea green ahead
Warm sand underfoot.
October 5: Beach Sunday
Another worship
Not confined by sacred walls
Soul's unbounded awe.
David catches a bull redfish, 33 inches, 18 pounds.
October 6: Feeding the fish and helping catch the bait.
October 7: Sunset beach walk
October 8: Last morning on the beach was perfect, playing in the sand and surf fishing.