Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Quarantine Log - April 12 - April 18

Sunday, April 12
Easter Sunday.  I was up early, but I slept well.  No church. No family dinner. No egg hunts with grandkids.  Rain all day.

For fun I posted a selfie in my Easter housecoat!  Otherwise a very quiet day without much movement or activity.   I made Easter Dinner for just the two of us: Lamb roasted with potatoes and carrots.  It was delicious!

I did not record my list of activities.

US: 527,000+ cases; 20,600 deaths
TN: 5114 cases; 101 deaths
Knox: 169 cases; 4 deaths
LoCo: 16 cases; 0 deaths

Monday, April 13
Despite heavy thunderstorms overnight, I slept well.  Maybe I'm over my sleepless nights for a while.  Today I went back to my old yoga routine.  It felt so good.  And I've started a food log on FitBit.  Wonder how long that will last!

Otherwise a very quiet, still day.  I spend several hours catching up on my travel blog, transferring my notes and pictures.  I've made it almost to the end of January.

Again, I did not record my list of activities.

US: 2,821,149 tests performed; 560,891 confirmed cases; 21,602 deaths
TN: 5508 confirmed cases; 106 deaths
LoCo: 16 cases

Tuesday, April 14
We got going early to go grocery shopping.  Big outing!  We haven't been to the grocery store since March 26. The list was long but the store was not crowded.

Today I began copying my Q-log into my blog - after catching up to date on my travel posts since mid-October.

The afternoon warmed enough for a walk.  It was good to move more today after too many sedentary days.  I picked asparagus and filmed baby birds.  The bluebird eggs are still not hatched.

BlueBird eggs

Baby wrens

Numbers: 10 am
US: 582,634 cases; 23,649 deaths
TN: 5610 cases; 109 deaths
LoCo: 16 cases; 11 recovered

  1. Connecting with :???
  2. Letting go: ???
  3. Getting outside:  a walk with Bill; enjoying the garden
  4. Moving: morning yoga
  5. Creativity: working on my blog
  6. Self-care: daily readying
  7. Grateful for: baby birds - life goes on

Wednesday, April 15
Tax Day. Although this year tax day has been moved back to July 15. We filed early have have already received our refund and our stimulus check of $2400.

My morning readings have paired Acts 2:28 and Mary Oliver's poem, Dream Work. She says - "What is the name of the deep breath I would take - over and over for all of us?  Call it whatever you want, it is happiness, it is another one of the ways to enter fire."  And from Acts: "You have shown me the paths of life; your presence will fill me with happiness."

I call it God and I have no better concept of God that breath or joy or fire.

Numbers: 4 am
US: 607,318 cases; 26,031 deaths
       NY reclassified and included more than 3000 presumed Covid-19 cases/deaths - those who did not die in the hospital or were not tested because they were so critical
TN: 5654 cases; 123 deaths
LoCo: 17 cases; 13 recovered

Stats I calculated today from TN Dept of Health website:

Thursday, April 16
I had a good morning call with Anna about some mutual family history that she has been excited to learn - perhaps more Farrar and Whitaker connections.  I got a little more of this log transferred to my blog and learned to add video.

Noon Zoom with Kathy and Connie for a version of Neighborhood lunch.  I set up my first Zoom meeting.  In the afternoon, I did a little yard work and Bill and I had a nice walk up the hill. I am enjoying the goldfinches at the feeder just outside my easy chair.  They are in full color now!

Then another Zoom meeting with the LoCo Dem group and guest Rep Gloria Johnson from Knoxville.  Interesting and informative!

My morning meditation on "Practice Resurrection" resulted in a separate blog entry and FB post.

Goldfinches at my window

Brock's house from our walk

Numbers: 4 am
US: 636,917 cases; 28,586 deaths
TN: 6079 cases; 135 deaths
LoCo: 18 cases; 15 recovered
Knox: 179 cases; 136 recovered; 4 deaths
In TN, there have been 10 deaths of people under the age of 50.  Most are over 80.

  1. Connecting: Zoom with Kathy & Connie; phone with Anna; Zoom LoCo Dem mtg
  2. Letting go: lunch with friends
  3. Outside: yard work, walk with Bill, deck cocktails on a beautiful day, almost 70
  4. Moving: as above
  5. Creativity: writing Practice Resurrection
  6. Self-care: all of the above
  7. Grateful for internet technology that foster's connection

Friday, April 17
from Disciples reading, 1 Peter 1:6 - "Rejoice in hope, even though it is necessary to be distressed for a short time by trials."

I recognize and mourn the suffering around me, yet I am not suffering.  I have everything I need.  My trials are small and my burden light.  I pray to keep my eyes open to the needs of others and respond as I am able.

Our Trinity team met and recorded worship for Sunday. http://trinityumc-lenoircity.org/

Then I was off the the dermatologist for another Basal Cell removal...by way of Total Wine for resupply.

Hamburgers for supper

US: 667,945 cases; 30665 deaths
TN: 6090 cases; 144 deaths
LoCo: 19 cases
TN has 89 cases/100,000 population; KY has 54 cases/100,000
That is the difference in early response and medicaid expansion

Saturday, April 18
Cool and windy day.  Stayed inside and made masks- for Warren and Olivia.  Did not record any numbers.  We had a big Saturday breakfast and fried rice for suppler.  

There are protests this week in some places against quarantine.  They'll be coming here soon, I bet.
Loudon County had drive through testing this morning.  I later heard that they were out of tests by 10:30 am. Our current case count is 21 with 17 recovered.  That number should spike with increased testing.  I m

I filmed the baby wrens and one flew out of the nest.  I hope it makes it.  Two bluebird eggs have hatched.

Baby Wrens are fledged  https://youtu.be/JZ4_5YjhHNw

Bluebirds are hatching https://youtu.be/1FIXdzlsI_o

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