Monday, April 27, 2020

Quarantine Log - April 19 - April 25

Sunday, April 19

Sunday began quietly but picked up speed when I decided to make waffles for breakfast - always a production.  Blueberry waffles are great.  A big, late breakfast means no lunch.

After we watched the morning news show and Trinity service on YouTube it was somehow 1 pm.

Today seemed like a good day to work on some more masks.  Decided that these would be for Simon Collins and family and Chris & Erin Collins.  Now to get their mailing addresses!

Roasted chicken for a traditional Sunday dinner.

Numbers: (8 am)
US: 728,074 cases; 34,726 deaths
TN: 6637 cases; 152 deaths
LoCo: 21 cases

News reports that there are now more than 22,000,000 unemployment claims - highest since Great Depression.

  1. Connecting - Just Bill and me today
  2. Letting go - of connections
  3. Getting outside - late afternoon walk
  4. Moving - late afternoon walk
  5. Creativity - sewing and cooking
  6. Self-care
  7. Grateful for a project

Monday, April 20

Slow day but I did manage to get masks in the mail for Chris and Erin.   Haven't had a response from Simon regarding a mailing address.  We also mailed a birthday card for Evangeline and ordered a gift of doll cloths from Amazon to be delivered to her.

Today I planted a row of pole beans - blue lake variety.  I'm ready to plant more when the ground dries a bit.  I don't have bedding plants yet but I've ordered some landscape fabric from Tractor Supply.

US: 753,317 cases; 36,109 deaths
TN: 6845 cases; 156 deaths
LoCo: 22 cases; 17 recovered; 318 negative tests; 340 tests total
TN Dept of Health reports 7070 cases; 148 deaths; 97,098 tested
I wonder when the results from weekend testing will be included.

  1. Connected - with Melanie & David by phone
  2. Letting go - of being productive all the time
  3. Getting outside - work in the garden
  4. Moving - planted and mowed the garden
  5. Self-care - morning reading
  6. Creativity - ??
  7. Grateful for companionship

Tuesday, April 21

Happy Birthday, Laura!
After breakfast I made 2 loaves of banana bread.  The day seemed busy enough but to great accomplishments.  Spent a good bit of time at my computer.

Late in the afternoon we went to the Matzek's for a brief birthday visit.

Numbers: (9;30 AM)
US: 780,536 cases; 37,818 deaths
TN: 7015 cases; 162 deaths
LoCo: 23 cases
From TN Health Dept: 7238 cases; 152 deaths; 100,689 tested

I don't know if TN #s include the weekend testing. I doubt it.  Late today, Gov Lee announced the lifting of some restrictions. State parks will reopen but most park facilities will not be open.

  1. Connecting - Laura and family
  2. Letting go - family birthday celebration
  3. Outside - briefly walked around the yard & garden, too windy to be out for long
  4. Moving - not enough
  5. Creativity - ??
  6. Self-care - ??
  7. Grateful for calm amid the storm

Wednesday, April 22

As planned, I met Kathy at Meadowview Greenhouse to get garden plants and visit a bit outside.  I bought 4 varieties of tomatoes - Better Boy, Celebrity, Jubilee and Roma; Cal Wonder green bell pepper and "Snackable Red" peppers (don't know about these); parsley, basil and French thyme; and a tray of marigolds.

After lunch Bill tilled one of the long beds for me and I planted bush pole beans - blue lake, purple hull peas, okra and yellow straight-neck squash. I also set out some of the marigolds.  I filled the empty marigold cups with dirt and planted 3 zucchini and 6 cucumbers to set out later.  I will wait until next week to set the tomatoes, peppers and herbs.

I am reminded of my post from this time last year, Garden of Hope:
Attended a ZOOM LoCo Dem meeting at 7 pm after chicken enchilada supper.

Earth Day images from around the world showed remarkably less air pollution and clearer waters.  How quickly the earth begins to heal itself with human interference is reduced.

I am reminded
Numbers: (4:30 am)
US: 805,772 cases; 40316 deaths + 4800 NYC deaths presumed but not tested
TN: 7341 cases; 167 deaths -- from TN HD: 7394 cases; 157 deaths; 108,182 tested; 6.8% positive
LoCo: 23 cases; 17 recovered; 349 negative
In TN about 2% of the population has been tested.

  1. Connecting: Kathy & LoCo Dems
  2. Letting go - run to Home Depot
  3. Outside - gardening in the afternoon
  4. Moving - gardening
  5. Creativity - ??
  6. Self-care - gardening
  7. Grateful to live in the country.

Thursday, April 23

Rain overnight as expected.  Today was overcast and windy all day but not much rain.  I managed to psych myself up for a yoga routine.  Bill and I journeyed to Lowe's in Midtown in the afternoon for plumbing and gardening supplies.  Found Thai basil that I wanted.  All in all, not much of a day.

US: 834,340 cases; 42501 deaths + 5000 NYC presumed
TN: 7842 cases; 166 deaths; 114, 980 tests
LoCo: 23 cases; 18 recovered; 361 tests

Friday, April 24

Happy Birthday Evangeline! and Chris Collins

Video day at church.  I didn't get home until nearly 2:30.  The upload is taking a very long time.  I went to the grocery and picked up a prescription before going to the church.  I was glad I had done it earlier.  Also went to the PO to mail a package - returning a pair of sandals that were too small.  

Bill and I shared a very pleasant early evening on the deck before supper.  Hummingbirds are at the feeder, but I can never catch them.

Numbers: (4:30 pm)
US: 885,249 cases; 45,409 deaths +NYC
TN: 8726 cases; 168 deaths
LoCo: 25 cases - up by 2!
Both Memphis/Shelby and Nashville/Davidson have more than 2000 cases.
The national news reports more than 50,000 deaths. This may include the additional 5100 from NYC
NYTimes lists TN as 8290 cases, 180 deaths

  1. Connecting - video team at church, call to Whitakers fro Evangeline's Birthday
  2. Letting go - lunch with friends
  3. Outside - walk with Bill and mint julep on the deck
  4. Moving - made my 7500 step goal
  5. Creativity - ??
  6. Self-care - all above
  7. Grateful for our beautiful hillside

Saturday, April 25

Today has been a long, dreary day with no physical activity.  I uploaded the church video to web and created FB posts for Sunday am.  In the afternoon I finally worked up my courage to begin making contact calls for the LoCo Dems.  Cold calling people is hard for me.

The highlight of the day was a beautiful Rose-Breasted Grosbeak at our feeder.  He is not my first, but it has been a long time since I've seen one.  They are uncommon visitors. He gave us a couple of hours of much needed enjoyment. In this picture he is joined by a wren and house finch.  Other regular visitors are goldfinches, doves, cardinals, chickadees and titmouses, as well as squirrels and chipmunks on the ground

Numbers: (2 pm)
US: 926,465 cases; 47,590 deaths + 5100 NYC presumed
TN 8753 cases; 180 deaths
LoCo: 25 cases

  1. Connecting - I did make those calls and had good conversations with Marilyn, Matt and Carolyn.
  2. Letting go - being productive
  3. Outside - too wet and cold
  4. Moving - very little
  5. Creativity - Edited church web page
  6. Self-care - a downer day, I need to do better tomorrow
  7. Grateful for a safe place to live.

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