Sunday, October 11
We had our outdoor church inside this morning because of rainy weather. About 22 people were there and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Regular services and Sunday School are scheduled to resume on October 25. I am glad for a rainy afternoon to catch up on blog posting. I'm behind online having not posted since September 20 - 3 weeks!
As the numbers attest, the rate of Covid cases in Loudon County is increasing and we are in the Red Zone. We are not safe, yet somehow we think we are. The President returned to the White House earlier in the week and he had not been humbled by his experience. He is scary!
Johns Hopkins - Global: 37,300,677 cases confirmed (many more likely); 1,074,412 deaths
- US: 7,733,258 cases confirmed; 214,599 deaths
TN Dept of Health from Oct 10
212,649 cases, +1646 since yesterday; 2,758 deaths; 0-10 10,525 cases; 11-20 28,356 cases
Loudon County: 1396 cases; 190 active; 9 deaths
case rate 37.0/100,000; pos rate 12.0%
Monday, October 12
As I write this, it is Thursday morning. My goal is to write each morning about the prior day's activitiy, while I can still remember. But too often I get up with another more urgent task to be done and I don't get around to writing the log. It's not that I'm that busy all day, but it is a matter of focus and attention. If you've followed my blog for a while you know that it is not a journal of personal reflection, although I occasionally wander there. It is not record of politics of the nation, although I occasionally mention current events other than tracking the progress of coronavirus. I started this daily log as a way to keep track of my daily life when everything "normal" was put on hold by the quarantine. It has been very helpful to remind me that I do something useful and different every day; that "normal" is not really normal; and that life is an accumulation of small moments, not big events.
Monday, as usual, was a day made up of small events. Most of my time was spent posting last week's blog which included the trip to Cataloochee and lots of pictures. Going through pictures and choosing a few favorites from more than 50 is time-consuming. There were pictures and video from both the camera and phone to upload and sort. Even more time-consuming is working with video and I got side-tracked on that. Also, today I began an online course through BeADisciple for Lay Servant certification the the UMC. The book arrived mid-day and I read the intro and complete the first assignment.
For supper I made pork chops with fresh cut corn and fried okra. Thank you Bonnie for the vegetables from the Farmer's market.
The Matzeks got home from their beach trip late this afternoon and we took LeRoy home just before supper.
Tuesday, October 13
We talked about going for a walk, but the early morning was cool and foggy. We decided to make a needed trip to Walmart instead. It was the first time that I've been shopping in Walmart since the end of February when I stocked up on supplies in anticipation of quarantine. Later in the day, we never found time for that walk.
The online course that I'm working on is called, "The Method of Our Mission - United Methodist Polity and Organization." It sounds a bit dry, but the facilitator is skilled. I've taken one of her courses in the past. I expect to spend an hour or two each weekday on the course - reading, writing a response to discussion questions, and responding to the online discussion board. I like that it is asynchronous and I can work on it at my convenience.
I picked some more pears in the afternoon and had a delightful encounter with my two little neighbors, Tucker and Lincoln, under the pear tree. They even followed me home and Papaw Bill had to follow on his 4-wheeler to retrieve them.
Supper was fried rice using the leftover pork chops.
Numbers: Loudon County- 1459 cases; 43 hospitalized; 9 deaths
case rate, 7-day avg: 37.0/100/000; pos rate 13.4%; continuing in Red Zone and getting worse
Wednesday, October 14
Our morning walk was put off again. The pears that I picked last week were ripening fast, so I decided to can them. From about 12 pounds of pears, I filled two quart jars and four pint & half (24 oz) jars. I quarter them and cook them slightly in a light syrup and process in a water bath. It took about 4 hours.
Working on my course plus other odds and ends consumed the rest of my day until it was time to make supper. Tonight's menu was hamburger steaks & gravy, mashed potatoes and green beans. I had the TV on while working in the kitchen and listened to some of the Supreme Court nomination hearing for Judge Amy Coney Barrett. She is a very conservative person and judge being pushed through by Senators McConnell and Graham, even though the election is underway. Early voting started today in Tennessee and many other states.
The rate of new Coronavirus cases are trending upward in the US, in Tennessee and in Loudon County.
Thursday, October 15
I decided today that if I wanted to get some face masks made for Halloween, then I'd better get busy. Claire is expected home for the weekend and I want to be sure I have one or two for her to take back to school.
I took time out for a boat ride up the lake with Bill. The fall colors are not at peak, but beautiful nonetheless. Maybe we'll be able to do it again next week.
Osprey in the tree-top |
Working on my online course takes at least an hour every day, maybe more if the reading is longer. It is not exciting, but may prove useful when we face a pastoral change.
Friday, October 16
This is the last Friday recording session. Next week, on the 25th, we will meet in-house and record live for posting on the following Tuesday. We now have 2 video cameras and new tripods, so my phone camera and tripod will no longer be needed. I will probably be needed to turn one of the camcorders on and off. We have also just gotten approved a bid for installing some extra lighting in the sanctuary. And the conference came through with a $3000 grant to help us. Finally, they have done something good for us.
I had a good conversation with PK after our session and then lunch with Bonnie. She and I will have to make a new plan! Not long after I got home, Claire and Amanda cam over for a visit. Claire needed to print a worksheet for a class assignment. After they left, I finished the masks for Claire and Amanda. They are all reversible.
I had picked up a piece of tuna at the grocery which went well with baked sweet potatoes and asparagus for supper.
Saturday, October 17
Today was another perfect fall day. We went to the Brocks for noon football, Bonnie, too. UT suffered a disappointing loss to KY, but the Subway sandwiches and the company were good. Kathy made a pear upside down cake which was very good.
I finished several more masks while Bill took a post-game nap. We took them over to the Matzeks and had a nice late afternoon visit. We were in the mood for a simple supper, so I make Ramen noodles. I used the cheap package, but subbed some beef broth for part of the water and added chopped onion, carrot, celery, sweet red pepper and left-over peas. It was very satisfying.
Tonight gave us another beautiful clear-sky sunset.
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