Sunday September 27
The day started with a big family breakfast - biscuits, scones, pork tenderloin, applesauce and orange slices. After breakfast, we started packing for Fall Creek Falls. There was a lot of food to organize and pack for 3 days and 2 nights. David and Mike got away at ten to make their 11:30 tee-time. Trisha and the kids and I finished up the leftover burger patties and pizza for lunch. Laura and Amanda drove up at one and helped with the final loading of the RV and van. They left at 1:30 and Bill and I followed about 20 minutes later with Amanda, Allison and Owen in the RV. (RV mi 98,947)
We all met at the FCF main playground, including Claire who had driven over from MTSU for the afternoon. We were able to check in to our cabin #24 when we arrived. First order of business was to rent bicycles for Bill, Claire, & Trisha. Amanda, Owen and Allison had their own bikes. We dropped cyclists off at the lake trail and the rest of of the proceeded to the cabin. Mike and Laura got the kayaks launched after we unloaded everything. David and I hung out with Evangeline & John until the cyclists called for pick-up. The cyclists had ridden on the lake trail to the falls overlook and in the other direction as far as the lodge construction. Mike and Laura had paddled to the pick-up spot, too, so they gave Owen & Allison a kayak ride back to the cabin. David took Bill's bike and he and Trisha rode bikes to the cabin while Bill and I took the other kids and bikes to the cabin.
Once we got back to the cabin, the fishing began. Our cabin deck overhung the lake, making it fun and easy. We were lucky to get such a choice location. The cabins have been refurbished since our last stay and are still basic, but very nice.
The Matzeks left before supper. We had ham, sweet potato casserole (prepared ahead and baked there) and broccoli. Fishing continued until it was too dark and then it was bedtime.
Monday, September 28
Monday started off beautifully, but we knew we would get rain before the end of the day. After breakfast of scrambled eggs, ham and biscuits, we loaded in the van and RV for a hike down to the base of the falls. It is much to strenuous for the two little ones, so I took them to the playground while all the 'big kids' hiked.
Owen the Adventurer (takes after his Dad) set off around the back of the falls and David had no choice but to follow. I remember David doing the same thing as a kid. Everyone made it back safely and met us at the playground. We went back to the cabin for more fishing, lunch and kayaking.
Ready to hike (except Evangeline and John)
Owen the Adventurer was sure that he could handle the kayak on his own. He did! He paddled around while David gave rides to Evangeline and Allison. Then later Owen and Trisha paddled all the way across the lake - no small feat for a nine-year-old.
Not long after the kayakers returned the sky began to turn dark. That didn't deter the fishing, however, and even after it started to pour, the fishermen kept at it. They caught a few bluegills with Bill and Owen competing to see who got the biggest one. Pumpkin carving capped the afternoon. After a taco supper, a nice fire was in order with s'mores for dessert.
Bill had us supplied with enough wood and kindling for a fire in the fireplace both mornings and both evenings.
Tuesday, September 28
We had a 10 am checkout so after breakfast we got busy packing and were out of the cabin at exactly 10. Some early fishing may have occurred. We decided to all go for one last waterfall. We hadn't yet been to Piney Falls. The overlook was great and right off the parking lot, but the trail to the swinging bring was closed for construction. We also went for one last look at the main Falls.
Piney Falls in the background
Classic shot of Fall Creek Falls
As Bill and I drove away, we saw David's van headed around the scenic loop drive. They fit a lot of activity into their short stay!
As always, we were glad to get home to our comforts. Unpacking is never much fun, but we managed without much trouble. When and where will our next adventure take us?!
Wednesday, September 30
A morning walk through the park established the normalcy of life after 5 exceptional days. Thank God for the exceptions that make me appreciate the normal. Often after a trip or company, I have a compulsion to "nest." Today it took the form of laundry (of course) and cleaning out my center desk drawer, a job that I've needed to do and put off for years. It may be years before it's done again, but for awhile I'll enjoy an orderly desk and neat drawer in which I can find things.
Ot was too nice of a a day to spend much time at my desk. In the afternoon, I picked pears. The trees are loaded and the pears are dropping fast. The deer and squirrels are delighted. I weighed out 2 trays of 10-11 pounds each and another of about 6 pounds. The recipe for pear honey call for about 10 pounds of pears (3 quarts ground) and 12 cups sugar plus one can of crushed pineapple. We went to bed watching the 1st Presidential debate. Trump was shameful and Biden was just adequate.
Thursday, October 1
I picked up Amanda from softball workouts and we went to the grocery. She was shopping for the ingredients to make a coconut cream pick with graham cracker crust. She planned to take the pie for her family's trip to Tim's Ford State Park this weekend. She will be competing in a golf tournament. Claire plans to join them.
More nesting as I cleaned out my closet floor. I made a new chicken dish for supper that was quite good - and was enough for Friday night, too.
The main activity of the day, though was making a batch (3 loafs) of sourdough. The prep started Wednesday night before bedtime with making the levain. I did the first mixing before picking up Amanda. The final proofing was in the refrigerator by 3:30 and the first loaf went into the oven at 8:30, after supper. The other two loafs stayed in the frig overnight. It was one of the best I have ever made. I cut back the hydration for 75% to 70%. I think that will work better for me.
Friday, October 2
I got up early to bake the two loafs that I left rising in the refrigerator overnight. I though that they were over-fermented and they did not rise as well as the first one. Our recording session went on as usual this morning and I went to Bonnie's after.
Holston Conference gave Trinity 50 masks to distribute free.
We changed our routine and went to Calhoun's on the lake for lunch. I owed her a lunch after all the times she's fixed for me. Of course we ate on the outside patio. It was the first time I've eaten out since the pandemic began. My serving of 'Rocky Top Potato Skins' topped with pulled bork and BBQ sauce was twice as much as I could eat, so I shared with Bill for part of our supper. After lunch we went to the Democratic 'Headquarters' in the park for Bonnie to get a campaign sign. We volunteered for next Friday, noon-2 pm.
NY Times, 4 pm
Global: 34.4+ million cases; 1.0+ million deaths
US: 7,345,200 cases; 208,371 deaths
TN Dept of Health
198,403 cases; 2,515 deaths; 0-10 - 9,807 cases; 11-20 - 26,497 cases
Loudon County
1,249 cases; 134 active; 7 deaths
25.1 case rate, 7-day avg
11.1 daily new cases, 14-day avg
10.3% pos rate
Late this afternoon President Trump was transported to Walter Reed Hospital. He had announced early this morning that both he and Melania had tested positive. Very few details are being released at this time.
Saturday, October 3
We had a lovely start to the day. I had some prep to get ready to go to the Brocks for UT's 2nd football game of the season. I took sliced ham, leftover from the Whitaker weekend, iced tea and some of my sourdough bread, sliced. Bonnie joined us and brought deviled eggs. We had a fun time, but probably didn't practice good safe-distancing. We sort of consider ourselves a family group.
We were home from the game by four. The afternoon weather was so nice that we went for a walk and had a salad for supper after heavy snacking during the game.
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