Sunday, May 24, 2020

Quarantine Log, May 17 - May 23

Sunday, May 17

I planned a wine party on the deck for 3 pm, having determined that 3 - 6 pm is the best shade.  Susan, Judith and Bonnie came, BYOB. I had the half loaf of focaccia left to offer with olive oil for dipping and a box of Sauvignon Blanc to share.  Judith brought some grapes and Bonnie brought chips and ingredients for strawberry shortcake.  We had a great party, properly social distanced.  The strawberry shortcake was a great treat to finish the afternoon.

Monday, May 18

We learned late yesterday that the local mushroom plant, Monterrey Mushrooms, tested all their employees after one tested positive for Covid-19.  Fifty-nine positive tests, counting the original, have been reported, of which 57 are asymptomatic.  After the news, Laura's company, Tate and Lyle, today made it mandatory rather than highly recommended that masks will be worn on site.  Laura is still working from home, but went in briefly today to fix something.

Most of the morning was taken up with business.  I scheduled a much needed hair cut nor next week.  After getting some answers regarding the transfer of Mother's assets, I went to the bank to have forms notarized and put in the mail.  I hope this will be settled soon.

I swept and organized my workroom, but didn't produce anything today except supper.  Chicken thighs seasoned and braised, fried eggplant, garden asparagus and purple hull peas. YUM!

Tuesday, May 19

I though I would work on masks today, but I went down a rabbit hole on Ancestry and got hooked.  Before getting lost in history, I "activated" the sourdough starter to be ready about 3 pm to begin making a loaf of bread.

Claire and Amanda came over for lunch, which finally got me out of the Ancestry hole.  They picked out some fabrics for masks.  I made two of them between bread steps.  For supper, I made chicken gravy to go with leftover chicken, rice, peas and leftover asparagus.  The bread was finally done after 9 pm.  Looks good! BUT 12 Hours.

NY Times 2:30 pm
US: 1,527,500 cases; 91,100 deaths
TN: 18,033 cases; 299 deaths
LoCo: 94 cases

TN Dept of Health:
TN 18,378 cases; 305 deaths
 LoCo: 97 cases, 43 recovered

As of today, we have at least 54 cases on home quarantine.  How many more out there are asymptomatic?

Wednesday, May 20

I made two more masks for Claire and Amanda so they would each have two, and delivered them mid-afternoon.  I'm sure I did something else on this cool wet day but I'm not sure what.  At five, I headed to church for a recording session.  This was for several special music selections.  The men's quarter of Walter, Phil, Daniel and Warren sang 3, Phil did a solo and a handbell trio of Cindy, Sandra and Warren, accompanied by Walter played one number.  It was a fun and productive session.  I enjoyed all the in person connections, safely distanced, of course.

Thursday, May 21

I spent a couple of hours in the morning looking through pictures and video on my desktop to see if I could find anything suitable to use with the church video project.  I upload a few to a Dropbox folder which I shared with Ed and Sandra.  Then back to masks.  I cut and stitched six but didn't finish them.

Kathy, Connie and I had a ZOOM visit at noon in lieu of our monthly neighbor lunch. Marilyn didn't tune in.  I enjoyed chatting and catching up on news.  There is not much news since we're all staying home except for essential business.   Everyone and their families have remained healthy and working.

A little after 4, Bill and I went for a walk - the first in several days.  Now that Melton Hill is open, we were able to make our usual route - up to the overlook, down and around the campground and back home for 1 2/3 miles.

Garden salad and spaghetti for supper.  I had another ZOOM meeting after supper.  This one was a Loudon County Democrat Town Hall with Renee Hoyas.  She is a very impressive woman and would be an excellent congresswoman.

Friday, May 22

Another video Friday has rolled around.  At least this activity gives structure to the week.  Today we recorded Kathy and Elizabeth singing "His Eye is on the Sparrow."  After the worship recording, we recorded Walter on several organ pieces.  Most of the people stayed to listen.  I realized how much I've missed hearing him play.  His preludes always put me in a meditative frame of mind, ready to worship and receive. My iphone cam failed to record for some reason.

Stopped by for a visit and fresh cookies at the Matzek house.  Claire needed a smaller mask and she gave one of Amanda's to her friend, so when I go home I made 2 more.

Taco night at the Whitaker's.

Numbers:  NY Times, 3:40 pm
US: 1,598,635 cases; 95,544 deaths
TN: 19,089 cases; 313 deaths
LoCo: 110 cases

TN Dept of Health: 19,394 cases; 315 deaths
LoCo: 130 cases.
This is a big jump since the initial Monterrey surge.  Last Friday the case count was 48.

Saturday, May 23

Yesterday I started the process for making waffles from sourdough discard and I refreshed my starter.  This morning I made the waffles. Superb! And it was pretty easy since the main prep was last night.  I made a simple syrup with blueberries for my stack and Bill had maple syrup on his.

After breakfast, we walked through the park.  We were very hot by the time we got home.  We need to get an earlier start!  After cooling down, I started the process for break making tomorrow.  I am following a new recipe that preps a sponge the day before, then add more flour, knead, rise and bake on the second day.

While waiting on the bread, I got curious about the old yellow mixing bowl that I'm using.  I believe it came from Mozelle.  Research suggests that it is yellow-ware and the glaze probably contains led, which I suspected because of the age and bright color.  I couldn't identify the fain mark on the bottom.  I learned that yellow-ware refers to the type of clay used, not the glaze color.  That type of pottery/crockery has been made since the 1600's and was used as primary mixing bowls and kitchen containers until the 1950s when advanced materials became more widespread.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Quarantine Log, May 10 - May 16

Sunday, May 10

I got up to face supper dishes so decided to NOT cook breakfast on this Mother's Day morning.  Gone are the days of children and dad fixing breakfast for Mom (if that ever happened!).  I spent the rest of the morning working on this blog. I write in a bound journal and then once or twice a week transpose with pictures to this online format.

I was determined to NOT do any ordinary chores today - except of course cooking and cleaning up in the kitchen and feeding the sourdough. Of course, I was bored all afternoon.  We (I) decided to have some of Bonnie's steaks on the grill for a special supper.  We invited Bonnie to come for a drink on the deck (BYOB) and steaks.  The plan was to eat outside, but it was just too windy and cool.  We carefully social-distanced inside.  Why didn't I take a picture of those luscious steaks?  We were to eager to cut into them, I guess.  Other than the breeze, it was a AB day.  (Absolutely Beautiful).

I decided not to record any numbers on Sunday.  I need at least one day of respite.

Monday, May 11

The sourdough starter was supposed to be ready to bake today.  I assembled all my ingredients then decided that it wasn't quite ready.  I had removed a cup to continue the starter, so I fed both and will see what happens.  It is working, but slowly, not nearly doubling and smelling yeasty but not sour. It is more batter than sponge.

On this bright very cool and breezy day, I worked on masks with a new non-pleated pattern.  I also sent a message out to the church list to see if anyone needs a mask.  Only had three responses.

No numbers again today.

Tuesday, May 12

It has been unusually cool again today, only getting to the very low 60s.  I created a new "business" card and made a new log post about my project for "Stitched with a Prayer." (
I spent the rest of the morning making a couple of masks for church friends.  I decided to try to serger for all but the final top stitch and I like the outcome and ease of sewing.

After lunch I washed and packed the masks for mail to drop off on the way to Home Depot.  There I got more mulch, one monarda (bee balm), 3 day lilies, a lemon thyme and an orange bell pepper.  I got all but the bell pepper planted and spread 2 bags of mulch.  More to do later!

Numbers:  NY Times 8:20 am
US: 1,354,300 cases, +60,000 since Saturday; 80,600 deaths, +3,000 since Saturday
TN: 15,423 cases; 248 deaths
LoCo: 43 cases; 39 recovered

TN Dept of Health:
TN: 15,444 cases, +559 since yesterday, +1268 since Saturday; 251 deaths
LoCo: 955 tests
  1. Connecting: HD and making masks for specific friends
  2. Letting go
  3. Outside: working in the flower bed
  4. Moving: Home Depot garden center and flower bed work
  5. Creativity: new blog post
  6. Self-care: all
  7. Grateful to have purposeful work

Wednesday, May 13

The sourdough starter is looking better but the timing is not right.  I need to feed a starter earlier tomorrow to get a loaf done.  So I fed the current batch and will carry forward another day.  I spent most of the day working on masks yet only completed six. Two will be delivered to the VanWormers and the rest to church for whomever needs them.  Claire came over to bring me white thread for the top-stitch machine.  I've been out.  She also got little jars for her paint.

I looked up recipes for using the starter discard and I tried a "cracker" recipe with olive oil and Italian herbs.  We though it turned out great.

Numbers:  NY Times 8:53 am
US: 1,376,700 cases; 82,300 deaths
TN: 15,777 cases; 264 deaths
LoCo: 44 cases

TN Dept of Health 5/12 update:  16,110 cases; 264 deaths; 283,924 tests
LoCo: 44 cases, 40 recovered, 1063 tests
  1. Connecting: Long chat with Maggie V whose son has bad cancer (Michigan) and she can't be with him.  Talked to Laura & Claire
  2. Letting go
  3. Outside: not at all
  4. Moving: just around the house I managed 3412 steps
  5. Creativity: Mask making
  6. Self care: being creative with masks
  7. Grateful for a nice workplace

Thursday, May 14

Sourdough bread day!  First step was to "activate" the starter by adding equal weights of flour and warm water, stir together and let sit for 6 hours to bloom.  While that was working, Bill and I drove to Knoxville to pick up a fabric order at JoAnn.  We were back home well before lunch so I spent a couple of hours working in the pond flower bed. At 2:30, it was time for the next step in bread-making.  I used the dough hook on my mixer for kneading, rises and it was ready to bake after 8:30.  As recommended I baked it in my cast iron dutch oven.It came out better that I expected.  This has been an incredibly time-consuming process and a little expensive (wasteful) considering how much flour is thrown away.  But then flour is not that expensive.  I hope this is easier going forward now that the starter is made. 

Numbers:  NY Times 8 am
US: 1,398,700 cases; 84,100 deaths
TN: 16,261 cases; 271 deaths
LoCo: 46 cases
TN Dept of Health: 16,370 cases +260; 273 deaths; 292,917 tests
LoCo: 46 cases; 40 recovered

  1. Connecting - conversations at JoAnn
  2. Letting go
  3. Outside - working in my flower garden
  4. Moving - all day
  5. Creativity - bread-making
  6. Self-care - worked too hard outside
  7. Grateful

Friday, May 15

Video recording in the morning which stretched into the afternoon by the time I was done.  On the way home I stopped for a visit with Bonnie and then popped Food City for a few items.  The smoker truck was on site so I got a rack of ribs for supper.  Bought some potato salad and broccoli slaw mix for sides.  A nice glass of cab partnered well for a real Friday night treat.

TN Dept of Health: 16,970 cases; 290 deaths; 309,756 tests
LoCo: 48 cases; 41 recovered.
  1. Connecting with lots of friends today
  2. Letting go
  3. Outside - in and out and enjoyed the afternoon deck
  4. Moving  - around and about
  5. Creativity - video project
  6. Self-care - connecting with friends, treating myself to ribs
  7. Grateful for smoked ribs and a meal that I did not cook

Saturday, May 16

Happy Birthday, Melanie!
I worked on the deck flower/herb beds and pots.  My goal was to pot the remaining flowers/herbs on my bench.  After cleaning out a few weeds, I planted and potted all the flowers and the Thai and Greek basils.  I tried to tame the common mint and moved some lemon balm to a different location.  Then finished it all with mulch.  That finished me off as well! Plus the shade was gone by then.

Before breakfast I "activated" some starter to make focaccia.  After I cooled off and recovered I worked on the bread.  It finished at 6 pm in time to take to the Brocks for gin/tonics on their beautiful from porch. Pictured is the half that was left of a 9x13 loaf.


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Stitched with a Prayer

Stitched with a prayer is my face mask project.  This week I sent an email to the Trinity distribution offering face masks to anyone who asked.  I have been thinking of my project as "Stitched with a Prayer" because making the masks is fun and meaningful to me if I know who I'm sewing for.  I am using up remnants and fabrics that I bought at some point but haven't used. For lining, I am using some old sheets that no longer fit my beds. Using what's on hand makes me feel good, too.  The only thing I've purchased so far is a roll of elastic for the bands and a few stamps for mailing.

The project has given me a sense of agency in doing something positive to make a bad situation a little better.  People are somewhat reluctant to accept gifts, thinking, I believe, that they don't want to be a bother and don't want someone else to "go to any trouble."  What people don't take into account is that a gift raises up the giver more than the recipient.

So here are a few pictures of my project to-date:

My workspace

Block for pleated style

Detail for pleated style

Pleated, darted style with ties

Pleated style, in progress, with ties

Pleated style with older elastic

Cut outs for "molded" style

Some fabric on hand
A few finished "molded" style

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Quarantine Log May 3 - May 9

Sunday, May 3

Sunday, Sunday. Oh, the Sunday sleep.   Slept in and enjoyed another beautiful, very warm spring day.  Nothing special recorded today.  Many businesses are opening this week, including malls.  The images of crowds don't look good.

Monday, May 4

The rain is holding off, so I used the morning to week around the pond flower bed.  It wasn't very hot, so I managed to get most of the center done.

After lunch, Bill and I ventured to Lowe's in Midtown (Harriman) for garden supplies. I wanted mulch, potting soil and bedding flowers. Bill needed supplies for the water faucet project.  The parking lot was full but large store was not congested. Most people I encountered were wearing masks.  Roane County has no active cases at this time.

Late afternoon we went to Laura's for Bill to meter-check their boat engine coil.

Fried Rice supper.

Numbers: NY Times 5 pm
US: 1,172,000 cases; 67,951 deaths
TN: 13,571 cases; 219 deaths
LoCo: 37 cases

The big increase in TN cases is due to testing at a prison in Trousdale County.  All inmates and staff were tested with about 50% testing positive.  2725 tests; 1349 positive (including 50 staff). Only 2% of inmates were symptomatic. That is more than the 70% federal prisoners who have tested positive.

  1. Connecting - Lowe's; Laura & Mike
  2. Letting go - normal shopping - what is normal anymore
  3. Outside - working in the flower bed
  4. Moving - working in the flower bed, walking around the garden center trying to avoid people
  5. Creativity ?
  6. Self-care - all of it
  7. Grateful to be healthy today

Tuesday, May 5

Grocery Day.  I have a big list.  I'm trying to keep several weeks ahead, but need milk and fresh fruit/vegetables today so might as well stock up. My last trip was April 24, 11 days ago.  I picked up eggs for Kathy and found that the store had a limit of 1 carton per customer, so I got her a 2 doz pack.  There seemed to be no particular shortage in the meat counter or elsewhere.  I also got several items for Laura and delivered them on the way home.  Before the grocery, I sent to the PO to send the Nat Geo "bug" issue to Owen.  He recently created a "Bug Rescue Center" on his back patio. I also ordered a Monarch Butterfly kit for him and the other children.  I always want to encourage their interest in science.  I also stopped by Bonnie's to deliver the drawer that we had repaired for her.

A rainy afternoon, so we spent the time inside.  Our washing machine is dying, so we've been online researching a new one.  Bill has found a likely candidate, so it looks like we'll be going back to Patterson's in Midtown tomorrow.

Cinco de Mayo called for taco supper. I tried the new Wampler Taco Meat.  It is a pork product sold in a roll like their sausage and just as good. Greens are from the garden.

Numbers:  NY Times 2:30 pm
US: 1,199,700 cases; 70,300 deaths
The tallies now include probable cases and deaths when those are reported by public health agencies
TN: 13,518 cases; 228 deaths
LoCo: 39 cases; 30 recovered; 729 neg tests
Roane Co: 8 cases, 8 recovered

  1. Connecting - Laura, Kathy, Bonnie
  2. Letting go
  3. Outside - just in & out errands
  4. Moving - grocery shopping
  5. Creativity
  6. Self-care- helping others
  7. Grateful to get out in the world

Wednesday, May 6

We went on a quest for a new washing machine.  Bill talked to Patterson's in Midtown and we should be able to get what we want there at a good price.  First we had to disconnect and remove the old washer.  Of course, Bill did all the work and I helped around the edges.  We loaded it into the back of the Xterra and headed to Midtown, hoping it wouldn't rain too much. We found a basic Maytag that will be our needs for under $500, then drove to their Rockwood warehouse to unload the old and load the new.  Bill got it in and hooked up with only one extra trip to Home Depot for new hoses.

I started a sourdough starter.  Wonder if it will work.  Usually these things don't work out for me. I'm using an old crockery bowl that has been on top of my refrigerator for many years.  I think it came from Mozelle's things and may have been her mother's bread bowl.

Pork Loin and sweet potatoes in the crock pot made a good supper.  We had a cool drizzle all day, but no real rain.

Numbers not recorded today.

  1. Connecting - talking with the salesman at Patterson's
  2. Letting go
  3. Outside - brief in & out
  4. Moving - just getting the washer in and out and moving around inside
  5. Creativity - I decided to take the plunge and try to create a sourdough starter.  I downloaded a e-cookbook and followed the directions.  I hope it works
  6. Self-care - trying something new
  7. Grateful that we can afford the things we need and want.

Thursday, May 7

It was in the 30's overnight, but dawned clear and sunny.  I saw a segment on a local morning show about East Tennessee History Center soliciting journals for this unusual time.  A young teacher read one of her entries.  It made me think that I should do better with my Q-log as I call it. However, I can only write as I'm inspired and most days I am not seeking or finding inspiration, but just getting by. I am trying to remember to record at least one photo for each day.

Instead of writing today I tackled more mundane tasks. In the morning, I finished putting together the tax documents for Mother and got them packaged to send her tax accountant, Ted. Filing has been delayed until at least July 15 and it may be postponed even further. I also downloaded the request for absentee ballot for the August primary.  Then I spent some time looking back through pictures for something suitable for Mother's Day for our church social media.

After lunch, I decided to spread the mulch in the flower beds that I had weeded on Monday. Then I weeded some more and now I need more mulch!  Two solid hours of work is about all I can manage. Fortunately, I had left-over pork roast for supper to which I added fried eggplant.  Rain is expected tomorrow.

Numbers: NY Times 8:22 am
US: 1,235,200 cases; 73,500 deaths
TN: 13796 cases; 246 deaths
LoCo: 39 cases

Friday, May 8

Damp, breezy, rainy day.  I'm out the door at 9 am to church for the video project.  Today Kathy sang in trio with Jo Lynn and Peg, "I Love to Tell the Story." Very well done. We are featuring familiar and comforting hymns in our music. After, I swung by the PO to mail mother's taxes and picked up some more old shorts from Bonnie to use for masks.  

Despite the drizzly rain, I got all the tomatoes and peppers covered and straw spread around the young bean shoots.  Light frost is predicted for the area.

At 6 pm sharp, we showed up at the Matzek's to celebrate Claire's graduation.  The Roane State ceremony would have been today and LCHS next wee.  Ceremonies are cancelled, postponed or changed all over the country.  We are very proud of her dual accomplishment at just 17 - HS diploma and Assoc. Degree at the same time!  She has been working diligently toward this day for 3 years. She plants to go to Middle Tenn State Univ to major in Forensic Science. Her goal is to go on for a doctorate in the field from Univ of West Virginia.

Although I look at the news & numbers every day, I don't always get them recorded, especially on Friday when I'm up and out early.

Today's biggest number is 1.  One positive case reported at Wampler's packing house on Hwy 70. All employees are to be tested today.  One positive case in the White House staff - one of Trump's valets who serves meals.

Saturday, May 9

We woke up to cold bright sunshine.  After our usual Saturday breakfast, I worked on the church web & FB to post the worship video.  Later, I repaired Bonnie's UT face mask I had made.  The strings had come off and I used the new elastic I ordered.  I also made another mask for Bill from some old blue-jean denim and somehow the day slipped by. 

Later in the afternoon, Bill and I went for a walk.  Melton Hill park is still closed except for the boat launch area.  It seems crazy that even the roads are closed.  Still no word when the campground and other facilities will be opened.  The Great Smoky Mountain NP opened some roads and trails today, but camping and most restrooms remain closed. 

After our walk, I sat in the garden for a while.  It felt good to spend the quiet time there, NOT working, just enjoying the sun, a glass of wine and the birds.  See my post "Sitting in My Garden.

Numbers: NY Times 11 am
US: 1,294,000 cases; 77,418 deaths
New cases are decreasing in NYC, but still increasing in most places.
TN: 14,276 cases (209/100.000); 240 deaths (24ths in per capita)
LoCo: 39 cases (76/100,000)
Roane: 8 cases (15/100,000)
TN Dept of Health: 14,441 cases (up 345); 241 deaths (up 4)
LoCo: 39 cases, 31 recovered' 851 tests
TN: 86% of deaths over age 60 but only 18% of cases

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Sitting in My Garden

Sitting in the sun sipping wine
watching my garden grow
watching tree swallows come and go
watching daddy bluebird watching me
puffed up against the chilly breeze.
Seeing little sparrow on the fence so near
and thrasher sheltering in the pear.
Garden is my Holy place
Everywhere I see His face.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Quarantine Log - April 26 - May 2

Sunday, April 26
Another dreary Sunday.  I looked it up and the song is "Gloomy Sunday." It is about someone considering suicide.  Life is NOT that bad here. In fact, life is pretty good and today has been a good day.  I motivated myself to make some more masks. We watched the news show as usual, but no going outside.

Laura and Claire came over in the afternoon.  I did some stitching on a sweatshirt for Laura them Claire and I worked a jigsaw puzzle. She did most of it with a few minor contributions from me.  Big excitement was a possum scurrying into the garage.  We hope he left later. Their visit was a welcome distraction.

Gumbo for supper is always a production but it turned out great!

No numbers or daily recording.

Monday, April 27
I didn't record numbers again this morning.  Don't know why except I didn't wake up early.   The day turned fair so I ordered a few items from Tractor Supply and we drive in to pick them up.  After lunch, Bill mowed and I worked for about an hour cleaning up the bed in front of the house.  It is full of poison ivy and honeysuckle tucked in among the vinca.  I didn't even attempt to pull either out.

I also spent about an hour making call for the Loudon County Democrats.  That is way out of my comfort zone, but I got it done.  The governor announced this afternoon that some businesses across the state may begin opening this week.  We will stay in a while longer.  A bluebird nest check showed that the two hatchlings are fledging but two eggs did not hatch.

Late afternoon Bill and I shared some time and wine/beer on the deck.  Spaghetti for supper finished the day.

Tuesday, April 28
I was expecting a fair warm day, but it got off to a cloudy, rainy start.  Today was supposed to be a garden day. Instead, this morning I cleaned kitchen cabinet fronts, lower only.

The weather finally cleared around lunch time so I was able to get tomatoes set and the mulch fabric laid down.  It was actually hot working in the sun by mid-afternoon.

After supper, we got a Marco Polo video from the young Whitakers thanking us for Evangeline's birthday gift - doll clothes for the American Girls style dolls we got them for Christmas. It was fun to see their excitement.

Numbers: (NY Times, 8:44 am)
Global: 3+ million cases; 206,000 deaths
US: 987,691 cases; 50,819 deaths + 5,200 NYC presumed; the case count is increasing by more than 2000/day
TN: 9796 cases, 143/100,000; 192 deaths, 3/100,000
LoCo: 27 cases, 52/100,000; 488 tests given
TN has 1000 new cases since Saturday, yet the state is opening.     Some more testing is available, but not enough.
TN Dept of Health case count as of yesterday afternoon: 9918 cases; 154,402 tested; 18.9% of cases are over 60 yrs old but 84.2% of TN deaths

  1. Connecting ??
  2. Letting go - being able to work as much as I used to
  3. Outside - gardening
  4. Moving - gardening
  5. Creativity - gardening
  6. Self-care - gardening
  7. Grateful for the continuity of my garden spanning so many years.  Evidently it meets many of my needs

Wednesday, April 29
The day began fair and warm.  After breakfast, Kathy brought me a beautiful bunch peonies from her yard.  She cut them ahead of her mowing crew.  In anticipation of afternoon rain, I set out the last of my bedding plants - 4 peppers and the rest of the marigolds. All is planted now except for the cukes and zukes I started in pots. And a few herbs which I may keep in pots.

Claire and Amanda came over at noon for an hour and a half of work cleaning the rest of the kitchen wood.  The rain set in just as they were leaving and continued the rest of the afternoon and evening.

The new iPhone connector (combo Lightning/USB drive) arrived.  I tested it and it seems to work fine.  It should expedite file transfer for the church video project.

Numbers: NY Times 9 am
US: 1+ million cases; 53,034 deaths + 5300 NYC presumed; Most still believe the cases and deaths are undercounted because not everyone is tested
TN: 10,031 cases; 198 deaths (only confirmed cases are reported)
LoCo: 28 cases - an increase of 5 since last Wednesday
TN Dept of Health: 10,052 cases; 188 deaths; 161,926 tests

  1. Connecting -Kathy, Claire and Amanda
  2. Letting go ??
  3. Outside - morning gardening
  4. Moving - gardening
  5. Creativity - learning to use the new device
  6. Self-care - all above
  7. Grateful for my granddaughters and best friend

Thursday, April 20
I decided that this cool rainy day would be good for sewing.  I completed 8 masks - my highest daily output. I had already cut most of the fabric pieces, but I cut a few more linings from my old sheet.  Using the elastic from Bonnie has really accelerated the production but it will soon be gone.

Numbers: NY Times 9:18 am
US: 1,045,300 cases; 60,900 deaths; more than 1000 deaths/day in April
TN: 10,312 cases; 204 deaths; graph shows new cases continuing to increase; the state is refusing to report presumed cases so that mortality rate wont "look" so bad!
LoCo: 32 cases - still increasing

  1. Connecting - Happy Hour with Marie by phone; we talked for about an hour
  2. Letting go - Happy Hour with friends at a bar/restaurant
  3. Outside - not today - cool & rainy
  4. Moving - not enough
  5. Creativity - completed 8 masks
  6. Self-care ?
  7. Grateful for connecting, even if by phone

Friday, May 1
Video day at church.  We started an hour earlier in order to be finished before lunch, so I was up and out by 9.  The new Lightning/Flash drive worked great once I remembered how to transfer from iPhoto to iXpand.  It greatly shortened the file transfer time.

After leaving church I stropped to visit with Bonnie on her front porch.  Tammie and Brian B stopped by so it was quite a party!

I gave away all the masks I made except one for me.

Grilled burgers on a lovely spring evening.

Numbers:  NYTimes 8:43 am
US: 1,075,600 cases; 63,100 deaths
TN: 10,562 cases; 208 deaths
LoCo: 33 cases
Baldwin Co, Ala (Orange Beach): 174 cases

Saturday, May 2
Spent a leisurely morning in bed late before a Sat breakfast of homemade bread toast, scrambled eggs and sausage.  Got 2 doz fresh eggs from April.  Her eggs from free-range chickens can't be beat at $3/doz.  We use about a dozen every week unless I'm baking.  She has some newly hatched chicks so maybe she will continue in the egg business for the foreseeable future.  She said that a coyotee had gotten her rooster so no more babies any time soon. I didn't accomplish much today.

The first Saturday in May is Derby Day.  That means Mint Julep Day.  This year's Derby is postponed until Sept 5.  Nevertheless, I made mint syrup for juleps. I use the mint I grow for tea year-round and make mint jelly.  But I really grow it in order to indulge in the occasional mint julep. Kathy joined me for Mint Juleps on the deck and Bill even sat with us.  We usually get together to watch the race but this year we just enjoyed catching up in person.

Tuna steaks on the grill with leftover squash casserole and peas.

Numbers: 2 pm update
Global: 3,370,900 cases; 241,677 deaths
US: 1,127,495 cases; 65,897 deaths
TN: 11,951 cases; 216 deaths
LoCo: 32 cases
TN Dept Health later updated to 12,661 cases; 209 deaths; 196,276 tests
    and Loudon County had a BIG jump to 37 cases.

  1. Connecting: Kathy for Mint Juleps
  2. Letting go: visiting friends and sharing a meal
  3. Outside: enjoyed a beautiful day but didn't work too hard
  4. Moving: nothing extra
  5. Creativity: Mint syrup
  6. Self-care: not working too hard
  7. Grateful for a beautiful day and good companionship