Live or Live?
Brown-headed Nuthatch
Either way, watching birds at my feeder every day reminds me that other creatures live in the moment. The little birds flit from branch to feeder, competing for space and sharing space, each one getting enough to meet the days need. I am reminded of Jesus words from Luke 12:24:
"Consider the ravens: they neither plant nor harvest, they have no silo or barn, yet God feeds them. You are worth so much more than birds!" The little birds remind me to LIVE in the moment, not irresponsibly, but mindfully. They remind me that I, too, am of worth. They remind me that if I make God's priority my priority, then the things of the world will be sufficient to meet my need. And God's priority if simple: LOVE. Love God, Love my neighbor as I love myself.
I had PT with Mike this morning. After lunch, Bill and I went to the outskirts of Oak Ridge to hike the Quarry Trail again, this time determined to find the quarry. We had passed it by last time. We were well-rewarded by our 3.3 mile hike. When we got home, it was still mild enough to sit on the deck and grill burgers.
The trail went all the way around the quarry pond |
Melton Hill Turkeys, spotted on the way home |
Beautiful finish to a lovely day |
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