The first Monday is usually UMW meeting at 10:30. I had responsibility for presenting the program, a pledge service on gratitude and generosity. I worked on it Sunday afternoon and incorporated the songs, accessed on YouTube, that were suggested in the program material. After UMW, there was a brainstorming session on a potential summer program that I conceived and am promoting called Terrific Tuesday! I would be a weekly VBS-style program for kids that would also incorporate an adult component. The discussion was enthusiastic. I am writing a grand due Feb 15, so we needed to clarify enough detail to flesh out the grant and make sure we had sufficient commitment to move forward.
We are having a spell of unusually nice weather for February. Monday afternoon and Tuesday were home time working on the grant. We planned a short day-trip on Wednesday and decided to explore a wetland park in Roane County near the Kingston Steam Plant. Surprisingly, Amanda was home from school for the day and came over for lunch. She joined our outing - a lark, my mammaw would have said. The walk was ok for a sunny winter day, but not very scenic under the TVA power lines. The waterfowl on the wetland ponds were very scarce with just a few Canada geese, Northern Shovelers and some non-descript ducks that were too far away to ID field marks. They were all "dabblers," not divers. We detoured to look for the eagles at Melton Hill before we got back home. All Amanda got to see was the nest. I had put a beef stew in the crock pot before lunch, so we had a comforting supper.
A pair of unidentified ducks |
Northern Shovelers "dabbling" and a row of turtles catching some rays |
Nice walkway at the other end of the park near the steam plant |
From the walkway looking toward the steam plant (and sun). |
Lovely sunset to end the day. |
Before lunch, I met Jo Alison at church to talk about another grant for Trinity's Mattress Ministry which she coordinates. That one is due March 15.
The main activity for Thursday was an early afternoon trip to Knoxville to Wild Birds Unlimited to stock up on bird seeds and then to JoAnn for a few project supplies. Bill even went along to shop at Belk's for new blue jeans. We were both successful in our quests.
When we got home, I worked on a new cell phone purse for myself while Bill continued working on RV maintenance that has occupied most of his week. He is getting ready for our upcoming trip to Cedar Key, Florida, making sure the RV is a prepared as he can make it. Beef stew from last night was still good tonight!
Friday was another home day - for me baking and working on the Mattress Ministry grant. Both of those projects were put to rest before lunch. I spend the bulk of this blustery afternoon making a cute pencil case for Allison. (the project for which I needed supplies). The left-over beef stew was transformed to vegetable beef soup with the addition of frozen vegetables and more broth. Only shred of meat were left which, with the gravy, potatoes and onions, formed the base of the soup. We watched the new version of the movie Dune which has gotten some Oscar nominations. It was pretty good.
Looking good! |
Pencil case |
Cell phone purse |
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