Saturday, December 2, 2023

November at Home - Thanksgiving, Nov 20 - 26

 Monday, Nov 20

This year the Good Samaritan staff decided to change the way the Thanksgiving boxes are distributed to our clients.  Instead of a one-time distribution of Saturday morning, clients had a two week window to apply for and pick-up their food boxes in the same visit at GSC.  I volunteered for today, 8:30-12:30.  I was on outdoor pantry, which meant that I stood outside with another volunteer and loaded the boxes in the client's car.  They first had to call in, be certified and receive their meat gift certificate and then drive around back for the two pre-packed boxes of "fixings." I was luck to have a good weather day for the job and all went smoothly.  We distributed to about 25 families today, making the total so far more than 400.

I had lunch at Bonnie's and then did my Thanksgiving grocery shoppping.  I had prepared red beans with a ham bone in the crock pot before I left, to be ready to finish when I got home.

We were expecting Beth Kiser for over-night on her way to Mississippi.  We also found out mid-day that our new recliner and sofa would be delivered "after lunch."  It was almost 7 by the time they came and went, but we have new furniture.  The red beans and rice turned out great and we had fun conversation with Beth.

Full-inversion mode!

Tuesday and Wednesday were cooking and preparation days.  I made biscuits (thanks to Mary B) for breakfast Tuesday morning, with enough to save for the dressing and later in the morning made a big pan of cornbread.  Onions and celery were chopped and sage dried. With Bill's help, I spackcocked and dry brined the turkey.  It marinated in that way until it was time to roast on Thursday.  I accomplished enough on that I didn't have much left to do on Wednesday.  I tried something new, making a vegetable broth base (not cooked).  I tablespoon of the paste added to one cup water for veggie broth. The paste freezes without hardening because of the salt, so it should keep for many uses.

Spatchcocked turkey with dry brine

Thursday - Thanksgiving Day  
We are not gathering until 5:30 because Claire is flying in and doesn't arrive until afternoon.  We had time for a leisurely morning before I got busy finishing and roasting the turkey.  While the turkey cooked, I assembled the dressing which went into the oven when the turkey came out.  I made 2 kinds of gravy as usual, one vegetarian and one with turkey broth and giblets.  A pot of green beans finished my cooked contributions. I also took a gallon of tea, a jar of pickled beets and a Food City pumpkin pie.  We carried everything to the Brock's for a traditional feast.  Laura's four were there.  She contributed sweet potatoe casserole and Amanda made pecan pies. Kathy added mashed potatoes, ham, Jezebel sauce, drinks and paper goods.  We all ate until we couldn't eat any more.  

Roasted Turkey

I always come aways from these family events wishing I had remembered to take some pictures.  Sometimes Mike does.  This year we didn't have any pictures of people.  Just this of my turkey.

We were delighted to see Amanda and Claire.  It is the first time we have seen Claire since she moved to Florida to work.  She seems to be thriving, enjoying work and life near the beach.  Amanda is also thriving at college at UA Huntsville.  She has become involved in several student clubs and activities in addition to excelling in her academic work.


We don't shop on Black Friday.  We don't put up Christmas decorations. We eat leftover.  We go for a walk if the weather is nice. This was a beautiful fall day, so we decided to go to the UT Arboreteum in Oak Ridge for a walk, and to the grocery store (of course!). 

Saturday and Sunday

I made sourdough waffle brunch for Claire, Amanda and Laura.  Mike was in Maryville with his mother.  We all enjoyed the precious time together.  

Beth came back through on Saturday night.  I made shrimp alfredo pasta for supper since we were ready for a break from turkey.  As always, we enjoy her company.  Sunday morning, I left as usual for my SS class.  Beth hung around for a while before hitting the road for Richmond.  

Later in the afternoon, I went to church to help decorate the Christmon tree.  I always enjoy helping with this activity.  Not many present this year.

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